To Ellison’s astonishment, she barreled on. “I wanted to thank you so much for letting Ellison use Frank to find me. I will forever be in your debt.”
Then the bomb dropped. “The only way you can repay that debt is to get out of my son’s life.” He turned to Ellison, a look of distaste on his face. “I asked you to come here to tell you this, but I didn’t expect you to bringher. That’s on you.”
Teigen looked shellshocked. Unfortunately,hewasn’t surprised. His father’s heartless selfishness affected every aspect of his father’s life. This time, however, Ellison wasn’t going to let it slide. He pulled Teigen safely into his chest with his arm tightly around her.
“That’s it. I refuse to listen to your rudeness and self-righteousness anymore.” He forced himself to keep his voice low and calm, emotionless, despite the fact he was seething inside. “I won’t let you insult Teigen under any circumstances. She doesn’t deserve it. I don’t deserve it. I’ve tried to get along with you, but you always want to have it your way no matter who you hurt. We are never, ever, setting foot in this house again. We. Are. Done.”
Without waiting for a response, he turned them toward the door. His father finally rose from his chair and shouted after their retreating forms. “You’ll need me again, and when you do, I will not let you into my house or my office!”
Ellison didn’t even respond. He’d said all he was going to say to his father. He kept them walking till they were out of the house and in the car. He slammed the car into gear and sped away.
It took him a while to calm down enough to be able to speak to Teigen. She hadn’t said a word since they’d left his father’s office, and he understood. His father had the innate ability to kick the rug out from under you. He was lucky Teigen was still standing.
“Wow…just wow,” Teigen whispered.
He squeezed the hand he’d been holding and massaging since they got in the car.
“I don’t want you to think about what he said. It’s meaningless. He has no control over you or me.”
Teigen turned to him. “But he does. He’s your father. He’s been driving you all your life. You can’t just turn him off. Believe me, I know.”
“I don’t mean to minimize the influence he’s had over me. Ironically, the more I’ve worked with your issues, the more I’ve seen how mine parallel yours in only a slightly different way.”
“But you don’t haveyouto help you deal with it. I’m certainly not equipped to do it.”
Ellison pulled into the garage and sat quietly for a moment. Teigen was right in one respect. Even though he wanted to exorcise his father from his life, there were going to be land mines embedded in his mind that could detonate at the most inopportune moments. It’s possible he could use some professional help.
However, Teigen was wrong about not being able to help him. Having her in his life had opened him up in a way he’d never experienced. He wanted to take care of her, spend time with her, play with her, cherish her, and, most of all, love her. She’d brought love into his life, and he’d be forever grateful to her for it.
“Let’s go inside. I could use a drink.”
She followed him into the living room where he rounded the bar. “What would you like?”
“Nothing, thanks. Or maybe just some sparkling water.”
He poured her water and then poured some Scotch into a glass for himself. “Come sit with me on the couch.”
He placed the drinks on the coffee table then had her sit on his lap. He needed her as close as he could get without being inside her. She grounded him, kept him from exploding with the rage that was roiling inside.
Teigen wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. His whole body turned in to her, completely sensitized by her nearness. Her soft body, her sweet scent, her lyrical voice all called to him. He wanted to drown himself in her, but he had to make sure she was okay first. As bad as it had been for him, it had to have been worse for Teigen.
“I hope you won’t take my father’s words too hard. He’s a selfish bastard. He wants the world to conform to his thinking and he hates anyone who goes contrary to him, particularly me.”
* * *
Teigen leaned against his chest, snuggling as close as she could to comfort him as well as herself. She was concerned that Ellison would be guilty about what his father did to her. That kind of guilt could be toxic to their newfound relationship, pushing him away from her more than his father’s words. She couldn’t let that happen.
“I’m well aware of what it’s like to have a parent hate you for who you are. Your father’s just been more civilized about it up till now. I’ve worked my whole life to exorcize the hate my parents heaped on me. I promise you, I will not let him hurt me. I’m worried more about you. You haven’t had the practice I’ve had to get him out of your head.”
His strong arms almost crushed her with the fierceness of his hug. “You have no idea how much of a lifesaver you’ve been for me. You’ve helped me emerge from the cloud of his negative influence that’s been driving me my whole life.”
He paused and Teigen could almost hear the wheels turning in his head. “Well, Miss Cub Reporter, I’m going to give you the scoop of your life. Ellison Markham and Associates, which is basically me and those who workforme, is changing its focus from high-end homes to homes and buildings for people in trouble, either because of poverty, mental health, or abuse. I want to create housing like the Conway building.”
A feeling of triumph erupted in Teigen’s heart. She didn’t care if Ellison was reacting to his father’s words, the end result was that he would be guided by his own passions rather than his father’s influence.
“I can’t tell you how thrilled I am for you. You’re already planning something like that. This would be an expansion of your work in that area.”