Page 52 of Entranced

“Hey, what was that for?”

“Nothing. I couldn’t resist. It was too good to pass up.”

She rolled her eyes at him, and he gave her another swat. “Thatwas for rolling your eyes at me.”

As she hurried away from his reach, she yelped, “You’re too much!”

“And you like it that way!” he retorted.

“Damn straight!” she said as she turned on the shower.

He laughed as he rifled through his closet looking for appropriate attire to wear to meet his father. The less Ellison gave him to complain about the better. He laid out a sport jacket, button-down shirt and khakis on his bed and was looking at underwear and socks when Teigen came out of the bathroom.

She took one look at his outfit and asked, “Should I get dressed up? I was going to wear jeans and a nice sweater.”

“I don’t want to tell you what to wear unless we’re going out for fun, but in this case I would say that you’ll be more comfortable around my father if you wear a dress. He’s very formal at all times, and I’m sure my mother will be wearing one as well.”

“Okay. I’ll pick out some clothes while you shower. Then I’ll dry my hair and finish getting ready.”

He stepped into the shower already regretting that he suggested she could come. Being with his father was like walking through a minefield, and it would be worse for Teigen. She represented everything her father looked down his nose at. What had he been thinking when he gave her a choice? He should have told her he was going alone and would be back later, except, of course, that’s how his father would have handled it and he didn’t ever want to be his father.

By the time they left the house, his anxiety had ramped up to an almost untenable state. As they drove, Teigen reached over and laid her hand on his thigh, massaging it gently.

“Hey, don’t worry. I think I can hold my own. I’ve been up against some rough characters in my life.”

How she’d tuned into his distress was remarkable, always looking out for him instead of the other way around. What an asshole. He had to pull himself together.

“You’re right. I have complete faith in you. We’ll face him together.”

He squeezed her hand and smiled over at her. No matter what, he had to suppress his own feelings and look out for her.

As they drove up to the three-story brick Georgian and parked the car, Teigen let out a breathless “Wow!”

He was so used to the house that it didn’t affect him. Seeing it through her eyes reminded him that it was one of the most impressive houses in Washington. The huge leaded-glass entry door opened into a large foyer with marble-tiled floors and a large pedestal table adorned with a massive flower arrangement.

They were led through the elaborately trimmed hallways to his father’s library. He didn’t know this new butler, so it was a quiet walk. Teigen had a stranglehold on his hand, but he didn’t care. Numbness was a small price to pay for her tranquility.

His father and mother were sitting by the fireplace reading when they arrived. She stood to embrace him, but his father stayed seated.

“It’s been too long, Ellison,” his mother chided. “You’ve missed the last few parties we invited you to.”

“Sorry, Mom, but you know how it is when you own your own business. There aren’t a whole lot of other people who can take over for you.”

“That’s why being in a large firm is important,” his father interjected, a grim look on his face.

Ellison decided to let that remark slide.Pick your battles carefully.

Instead he turned to Teigen. “Mom, Dad, this is Teigen Finley. She just finished interviewing me for an article inArchitecture, D.C.”

His father’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “So you’re a writer?”

Fuck! No “Nice to meet you” from either of them.The grilling was starting already.

Teigen seemed unaffected by his father’s forthrightness. “Yes, sir. Ellison was a great subject for an article. He’s had such an interesting life.”

His father’s eyes fixed on Teigen, his stare boring into her. “Did he tell you how he rejected the family business to become an architect or did he leave that out?”

Teigen squared her shoulders and returned his stare. “He might have mentioned it, but it wasn’t the most important part of the story. You and Mrs. Markham obviously showed him a lot of the world as he was growing up, helping to mold his character. He’s had an enormous impact on the architecture of Washington.”