Page 5 of Entranced

Yvette wasn’t the only one who had an orgasm at the command. The whimpers around Teigen clued her in to Ellison’s power. Teigen wasn’t impervious to it either. The sound had reverberated through her as well, causing her own body to quake in sympathy, except she couldn’t reach the same pinnacle as the others. Envy consumed her as she teetered on the edge without being able to go over.

Master Ellison’s voice finally infiltrated her daze as he spoke to Yvette.

“That was so good, Yvette. It’s time to take you down now.”

“Noooo. I don’t want to come down yet.” Her whine grated on Teigen. It obviously grated on Master Ellison as he warned her: “If you don’t cooperate, we won’t do this again. Now, here we go.”

He released some of the tension on the rope, and her breasts lowered slightly.

“You’re coming down, Yvette. Get ready.”

A little more release of the rope.

“Now your toes are down.”

More tension released, and her breasts dropped to their original spot. “Back completely on the ground.”

Yvette sighed as Master Ellison embraced her again. “I’m going to take you out of your trance on the count of three. One, two—open your eyes—three.”

Yvette wrapped her arms around Master Ellison’s neck. “Thank you, sir. That was wonderful.”

“You’re welcome. Now let’s get you untied.”

Yvette began to pout, but an arched brow from Master Ellison stopped her cold. Once she was released from her bonds, he nodded to a man standing near the edge of the stage who came forward with a blanket, wrapping it around her and leading her offstage. On her departure, the crowd erupted into applause.

Master Ellison turned to the audience. “Thank you. Do you have any questions?”

He pointed to a man in the back, who asked, “How did you get her under so fast?”

“There are many methods of induction into a trance that will work. I was able to talk her into a state of relaxation with words of suggestion, while I massaged her scalp to calm her even further. Most importantly, she wanted to be hypnotized, so she was open to my words. We’ve also worked together before so there is a bit of a shorthand I can use with her.”

He picked a woman the next time. “How is it possible that she believed she was suspended?”

“Hypnotic suggestion is pretty powerful. She was in a receptive state and I gave her cues to reinforce her perception of reality.

“As I said at the beginning of the demo, despite the videos we’ve seen, I don’t think it’s safe to hang a woman from her breasts. But with hypnosis, Yvette was able to believe she had the experience, and she had all the feelings that go with it. Now I would ask you to keep my secret and not discuss what actually happened with her so that she can keep the fantasy going. Of course, you can complement her on how well she did.”

“Isn’t that a mind fuck?” someone called out.

“I prefer to call it a mind massage. I think of a mind fuck as causing stress, discomfort, or anxiety. Personally, when I put someone under hypnosis, I’m aiming to give them pleasure, relief, or comfort and sometimes just plain fun. Hypnosis is a powerful thing, and using it for a mind fuck could cause adverse reactions. You have to be very careful.

“Thank you all for coming. I hope you enjoyed our scene, and if you want to learn more about hypnosis, I’d be glad to talk with you.”

Master Ellison walked off the stage to more applause. Teigen felt as though she’d been hypnotized by his charm, his confidence, and his intensity even though she’d never stepped on the stage. What was her interview with him going to be like? If she wasn’t careful, he’d put her under his spell and she’d be lost.



Ellison circled around to the side of the stage looking for the beauty with the flaming red hair who sat in the front row. He’d been enchanted by her smarts, not to mention her curvy sexy figure, when he’d met her on his work site, but he would never have acted on his attraction during a professional interview. Now that she was here, he wouldn’t have to hold back.

Lucky me.

After walking around the floor a few minutes, he spied her across the room looking a little lost. He approached her in what he hoped was a nonthreatening manner. She didn’t look like she was used to this environment. He didn’t usually play with newbies, but for some reason his attraction to her overrode his reticence.

“Hello, Teigen. Are you alone tonight?”

“No, but my friends went off to play. I’m trying to figure out what to do now.”