Page 6 of Entranced

“Would you like to come with me to the bar so we can talk?”

A look of panic crossed her face, and despite not having her permission to touch her, he reached out and stroked her arm. “I won’t harm you, Teigen. We’re in a club where all you have to do is yell ‘Red’and someone will come to help you.”

“Sorry. It’s not that. But it’s humiliating for you to catch me in a BDSM club.”

Wait. What?

“Why? Obviously if I’m here, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. We’re not in a professional setting at the moment.”

Blushing once again, she giggled engagingly, her hand over her mouth. ”I guess I’m not thinking clearly. I was so surprised to see you here, it threw me.”

“I was surprised to see you here as well, but it made me happy. Please, have a drink with me.”

She said, “okay,” but she didn’t move. He reached out his hand and waited patiently for her to take it. She stared at it for a moment then placed her hand in his. Clasping her tightly to prevent her escape, he led her to a table in the bar. Pulling out a chair, he instructed her to sit. She plopped into the chair and he finally let her go.

She was more work than he liked. He usually played with women who were experienced, came to the club to play with no future expectations, and even if he went home with them, they didn’t assume he would play with them the next time. But looking at Teigen’s flushed cheeks and her expressive green eyes, he felt compelled to dive in.

“Did you enjoy the demo?”

She squirmed in her seat then looked down to avoid his gaze.

Uh-uh. Not happening.“Teigen, please look at me. I asked you a question.”

She obeyed, wringing her hands, and mumbled, “It was interesting.” Then she lowered her eyes again.

Where had the smart confident woman he’d met onsite gone? Something wasn’t right.

Once they’d ordered, he tried his question again.

“What did you find interesting about the demo?”

She leaned back into her chair, a strand of hair falling over her cheek. He was tempted to reach forward to tuck it behind her ear then brush his fingers down to her neck, encircling her throat to keep her attention focused.Slow down.Not yet.

Instead he waited her out.

“I couldn’t believe she thought she was really suspended in the air.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know. I mean…isn’t it true you can’t make someone do something under hypnosis they wouldn’t do fully conscious?”

He nodded. “That depends. Why they wouldn’t do it is important. Sometimes a misplaced belief is holding them back, and hypnosis lets them get beyond it. But in this case, Yvette wanted to fulfill this fantasy, and after putting her under, I was able to suggest to her it was really happening.”

The service sub set their drinks on the table. Teigen sipped on hers, mulling over his answer. She seemed ready to ask a question more than once but didn’t. He wanted to be able to soothe her concerns, because at some point he’d love to put her under to fulfill her fantasies, whatever they were. He needed to delve deeper to find them out.

“Let’s try this another way. Why did you come to the demo?”

Once again, the deer-in-the-headlights look appeared. “To be honest…I have a few issues I’d like to work on, and I heard hypnosis could help.” She quickly held up her hand in a stop motion, “I’m not going to tell you what they are, so please don’t ask.”

He suppressed a chuckle, sure it would anger her. Little did she know his powers of persuasion were legendary, even without hypnosis. He could bide his time, though. There was no doubt in his mind he’d have more chances to get to know her secrets.

She intrigued him. Her work persona was so different from how she acted in the club. And there was no denying his attraction to her. Stunning, with her red curls, peaches-and-cream complexion, expressive green eyes, and curves for days, she was made for him, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

Not yet!But it’s hard to wait when someone that appetizing is sitting across from you in a sex club.

“I have a different question then. What kind of BDSM scenes do you like?”

Teigen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Again he waited her out. Even if she wasn’t a complete newbie to the lifestyle, he was sure she hadn’t been around long.