Page 23 of Bonded to the Beast

“Ken-dee,” he repeats, pointing at me. He turns his claws toward his bare chest. “Loki.”

And then he gestures at his erection.

Okay, then. I’m going to have to remember that, despite us not being able to communicate, he isn’t stupid. Using the few words we both know—our names—I’m pretty sure he just used use some old-fashioned ingenuity to try to initiate sex again.

I’ll give him points for effort and determination. Doesn’t mean that I’m going to christen that bed with him.

So I pretend not to understand. “What?”

He widens his stance, as though he thinks my feigned confusion is because I don’t see the big dick jutting out from his hairless groin. Then, just in case, he wiggles his hips, showing it off.

Yeah… I should’ve known better. And it’s not like I haven’t been inexplicably attracted to him since he appeared in my room. Compared to him, I must look tiny and pale and strange, but that doesn’t seem to bother him. Just like his alien features should scare me instead of turning me on.

I shake my head. Last night was a mistake since it obviously gave him the wrong idea.

He frowns. “Uxor mi—”

There’s that ‘uxor’ again.

I’m pretty sure I know whatthatmeans now.

But I can’t. No matter how good it was, I can’t fuck him again. That would only tell him that he made the right choice, tossing me over his shoulder and bringing me to his world. I’m a (somewhat) strong, (kind of) independent businesswoman. I’m not going to let him control me with sex.

Especially since I only just learned his name.

So, slashing my hand across the air, I say in as determined a voice as I can muster, “Uxorno.”

No sex. Once I can excuse as me being out of my mind when the book I obsessed over for a week brought a hulking monster right into my bedroom. The oral he gave me was amazing, but I was still convinced I was dreaming when he lifted me up onto his shoulders.

I’m not dreaming now, though I almost wish I was when Loki picks up on what I’m saying.

His eyes flare. Brighter than an industrial flashlight, they gleam out of his face. It’s hard to tell with the light basically blinding me, but I’m pretty sure he looks angry.

Good going, Kennedy. Why not piss off the beastly demon who kidnapped you after you said ‘hello’ by impaling yourself onto his dick instead of shaking his hand?

First his eyes flared, but now it’s his nostrils turn. Breathing in deep, he turns off the high-beams.

His gruff voice takes on the familiar cajoling sound I remember vividly from last night. “Ken-dee…”

Uh-uh. He’s not seducing me again. Especially since there’s a part of me that almost wants tolethim.

“I mean it,” I say, not caring that he has no clue what I’m saying. It makes me feel better, and now that his flash of anger disappeared as quickly as it came, my voice gets stronger. “No more sex. I don’t know who you are or what you want with me”—well, except for what he already got last night—“but I’m pretty sure sex is just going to complicate things.”

I’m babbling. Can’t help it. It’s like I feel the need to explain.

Just like he needs to give it one more try.

He waves at his dick, then gestures at me.

I shake my head.

He could force me. No matter what happened last night and how I try to justify it as believing it was a dream, I was a willing participant in everything that we did. I fucked a demon, and if he really pushed it, I would do it again.

I don’t have to.

Shrugging, he finally takes his big dick in hand. Then, shifting his body so that I can watch if I want, he starts to stroke it.

He starts off slow. A few leisurely strokes to get into a rhythm before his fist becomes a shadow blur, covering his cock from root to tip before I can sense the motion of his hand.