Page 24 of Bonded to the Beast

He treats it like a task. There is no seduction here. No teasing glance my way, no second invitation to have sex with him. Like he has a checklist that he’s trying to complete.

Seduce human woman.

Kidnap her and keep her in your bedroom.

Feed her a squirrel-cat.

Bring her two more when she expresses an interest in keeping it.

Get off.

Since I’m not willing, he takes what he can get: his hand.

Me? I get a show.

I watch as the muscles in his big body move. In barely no time, his back goes taut, legs planted firmly on the floor. Eyes meeting mine, he fists his fingers around the head of his cock, catching his jizz from spraying all over the floor.

He doesn’t blink the entire time he’s coming, only looking away when he’s done.

And none of that should have been as hot as it was.

* * *

I may have beenable to get Loki to understand that I have no intention of fucking him again. After he rubbed one out, he acted as though he wasn’t walking around stark naked with an erection that could poke an eye out.

Fine with me.

When it comes to his sudden fixation with feeding me?

Yeah. That one’s a lost cause.

After he gets his release, he disappears from the room again. I have to work hard to keep my fingers to myself. I might have been well and truly pleasured recently by him, but that just makes me realize what I was missing.

I want more, and it would be a mistake to have it.

I can’t even take care of my own need. How much do you want to bet that Loki would take me touching myself on his bed as an open invitation if he walked in on me with my fingers on my pussy?

I’m already in big, big trouble. I don’t want it to get any worse.

My new pet is an amazing distraction. Since I can pay attention to one pussy, I give it to the chittering, friendly little squirrel-cat.

I decide to name it—wellhersince I decide she’s ashe—Freya after the Norse goddess who traveled in a chariot pulled by cats. Considering my beastly captor is Loki, that’s the direction my thoughts went and I ran with it.

She’s definitely more cat. Growing up, my family always had at least one living with us so I consider myself a bit of an expert. The way Freya curls on her back, batting her paws as I poke them gently reminds me of a kitten. She has a fascination with curling up around my neck which I appreciate.

It’s getting colder. The slight chill from earlier has become much cooler the longer I’m stuck in here. All I have is the sundress I tugged on over my head and a makeshift scarf courtesy of Freya’s fluffy, shadow tail.

I’m also pretty hungry. I couldn’t bring myself to eat my new pet, but I need something. The last thing I had was a bowl of cereal before I went to bed last night and who knows how long ago that was?

Once again he proves that he’s much more intuitive and adaptive than I would have thought. When Loki returns again, his hands are full. Noungez, though, which is a relief until I realize what he is holding.

It’s a hunk of raw meat, stripped from the bone.

On the plus side, it’s a bigger chunk than you’d get from an animal as small as Freya. I don’t think he skinned one of theungezto feed me.

But he certainly skinned something.

Just in case, I gesture at the raw meat, then point at Freya.