Page 10 of Bonded to the Beast

A life that was worth every bit of the madness inside of me.

As my cock goes completely hard, heavy and achy, tender to the touch, I marvel at it. I was not thinking of the promise of my mate. Ungez stew should not be an arousing thought. But that scent…

That scent has me ready to mate. Not just to find pleasure as I dream of her, but my body poised to take her and make her mine.

I take another deep breath. The scent is fainter than it was, but its effect on my body is not. My heart thuds against my chest. My fingers flex, as though reaching for her. Whirling around, I search the shadows, but I see nothing.

And then that same sensation from before rushes through me. The feeling that I’ve been snared in a trap, that someone is calling me to them.

Because they are. After long last, it’s my female.

I no longer resist the pull. Giving myself up to it, I’m not surprised when a portal appears in front of me. Impossibly darker than even the darkest shadows, it’s like a hole before me, beckoning me to take a leap.

At the same time, my solid demon form shifts to shadow. Bright golden runes light up along my arms, shining like a beacon. It’s magic, I realize. Powerful magic unlike any I learned when I was still studying at the School of Mages.

I cannot cast a spell like this one, but I know exactly what it is; if I hadn’t been so consumed by my failed hunt earlier, I would’ve recognized it before. This is a summoning, and one that can only be performed by one soul.

My female.


She’s calling to me. Now that I understand that she’s searching for her male, I will answer.

Tossing the ungez back to the ash, the shadowy creature melting into the dark around us, I give myself over to the pull.

I’m not sure will the portal will take me. It will be off-plane, of course. The golden runes glimmering on my arms as I leap into the portal are a mark of a traveling spell that leads its wearer out of Sombra. But there are a few characters down my one arm that I do not recognize. Wherever I am going, it won’t be a world that I’ve studied. And while most Sombra demons find their mates in our neighboring realms, there are countless that might keep my mate.

Countless—but only one that we talk of as legend.

The human realm. A fabled world full of mortal creatures who cram their entire existence into one century at most, it’s supposed to have magic unheard of even to a mage. Before my obsession with finding my mate took hold, I’d often wondered if I could convince Duke Haures to allow me to further my studies in the human world.

It would not have been easy. The duke’s first law makes it so that mortal worlds such as where the humans live are forbidden to any demon from Sombra. They are not to learn of our existence, and only on the rare occasion that a male is summoned by a human’s magic to be their mate are we allowed to visit their world.

Unless, of course, Duke Haures sends you. One of the reasons I looked up to Sammael as my mentor was because he was the duke’s personal mage. As his mage specialties involved portals—as well as the enchanted chains Duke Haures used to keep his subjects in line—Sammael had been to the mortal world before. His stories fascinated me, and though there hasn’t been a demon called by a human in my lifetime, I often wondered if that fate would be mine.

If it wouldn’t be, perhaps I could make it. At least, that was my rationale when I stole the matefinder spell from the archives in Marvo. If humans had the magic to summon their demon mates to them, why couldn’t a powerful two-horn mage do the same?

But now I know why my spell failed all those years ago. I was searching for a mate who did not exist. Who could not.

Because my female? She’s human. Mortal. She never would have been born when I cast the spell—but she must have used magic of her own to call to me.

And, stepping out of the portal, landing in the shadows of her quarters while she slumbers peacefully before me, I have answered.

The moment I manifest in my shadow form on the other side of the portal, it winks out behind me. I know better than to try to summon it myself. Mage or not, a portal back to Sombra won’t open for me from the human world. I don’t have the magic my mate does, and I’m trapped in this human world until I claim my female or I release her from our mate bond.

She’s mine, and I will do anything I must to make it so.




It shouldn’t be so hot in my room. It’sMay. I don’t have to worry about turning on the AC until at least June.

Tell that to how I wake up shortly after I fall asleep, sweating welling at the back of my neck and beading along my brow.

I’d already kicked my blanket off, I noticed. Still half-asleep, I yank off my sleep tank and my shorts, leaving me in my panties and that’s it before I pass out again.