Page 11 of Bonded to the Beast

It seems as if only a few minutes pass before I’m semi-conscious. The heat has faded some. Goosebumps pucker my skin. I grope for a blanket to wrap myself up into and as the blanket slides across my sheet, I hear something.

No. Someone. It’s someone sucking in a breath, the sound so short, so sudden, then I jolt up into a sitting position.

“Hello?” I call out into the darkness. It’s pitch black. Just in case, I grab my blanket, covering myself up to my chin. “Is someone there?”

In response, something big shifts in the shadow. As my own breath catches in my throat, a pair of lights flicker on.

Hang on—

Those aren’t lights. Twin circles standing about six and a half feet off the ground, I’m pretty sure those glowing white orbs areeyes.

I squint. As my eyes adapt to the dark, I start to pick up features in the midnight gloom. Some kind of horn arcs up and over a head as big as basketball. The rest of the body moves in the shadows, the shape amorphous and flowing, though it seems huge.

There’s a nose. A mouth. When lips part, gleaming white fangs appear in the darkness. Long black hair that floats around that head.

I’m dreaming, I realize. This… this has to be a dream.

As I stare, the shadows flicker, then disappear, revealing—


If this was real life, I would be screaming. But since this is a fantasy ripped right out of my psyche, I actually marvel over his true appearance.

His skin is a dark red, like freshly spilled blood. His eyes are still white, his nose long and pointed; so are the tops of the ears poking through his long black hair. He has slight bumps over his nose, andtwosets of onyx horns. One arcs over his head like a crown while the other pair curves inward then curves forward from his brow.

His muscular body would put a bodybuilder to shame. Dipping my gaze low, cooing softly when I see the cock jutting out of his hairless groin, I add that he has a dick that would put a porn star to shame.

And, tonight, he’s all mine.

Glancing up again, I see that the claws on the edge of his red-skinned hand are as black as his shadows and his hair. As his lips curve invitingly, he shows me his pointer finger before slowly, seductively crooking it in my direction.

He doesn’t speak. He doesn’t have to. He beckons me and, still reverberating from the jolt of recognition I experienced when I met his glowing white gaze, I slowly climb out of my bed.

I inch toward him.

Impatient, my dream monster takes a few steps toward me.

Between one footfall and the next, he shifts forms again. Going from the red-skinned, brutish-looking demon back to a shadow monster with those eerie white eyes and a vaguely amorphous shape, he outstretches his hand toward me. His black claws bleed right into his inky, shadowy skin, but when he crooks one at me again, I… I tiptoe toward him.

It’s almost like I can’t stop myself.

As though he’s responding to this pull between us, he meets me by the food of my bed.

He cups my jaw, tilting my head back, making me look up into his eyes. There’s no pupil there. Just a solid white orb that glows like a lightbulb.

He whispers something I can’t understand.

Is he asking if I’m ready. Deciding that he is, I nod.

Dropping to his knees, he shoves his nose against the front of my panties. He moans so deeply, his big body shuddering as though he likes my smell.

Using the side of his shadowy claw, he slices one side of my panties, then the next. Grabbing the material, fisting it, he tugs, pulling it free.

Now we’re both naked.

Rising up to his impressive height, he reaches around me. His hand curves my bare ass, leaving a heated trail wherever his shadows touch me. I throw back my head, enjoying the sensation, gasping when he lifts me off the ground.

I clutch his shoulders, wrapping my legs around his waist. I can feel his hard cock trapped between our bodies. It’s as big against my belly as the monster dick I saw when he traded forms, and if this wasn’t a dream, I’d be massively freaking out at this point.