Page 75 of Free Fall

Another shake of his head. “Dude.”


Lex threw up his hands. “You started to ask me something then started mooning over your woman. I mean, fuck, what happened to you guys? The only one who isn’t a fucking nightmare to talk to is Cameron.”

A shove to Lex’s shoulder, not hard because he knew Lex was just busting balls, but not lightly either. “Fuck you.”

“Well,doublefuck you,” Lex muttered. “He’s the only one who isn’t constantly distracted by howin love”—drawing out the words sardonically—“he is.” Lex shoved Connor’s shoulder. “So, for fuck’s sake, pull your thumb out and focus on finishing a question. You said,So man…and then nothing.” A glare. “Want to finish a thought or am I going back to building sandcastles with the kids?”

“You like kids,” Connor pointed out.

“Yeah,” Lex muttered. “I do. And I likethoseones”—he jerked his thumb at the gaggle of them—“because they can have an actual conversation.” A pause. “Unlike you.”

“Just saying, one is still a baby.”

“Justsaying,” Lex grumbled. “The baby at least finishes a thought.”

He smothered a smirk. “By screaming or shitting in her diaper?”


Connor mock sighed, amusement winding through him. “Why are we having this ridiculous conversation?”

Lex shot him a look. “Dude.”

And…he lost his hold on his laughter, bent over double, earning another fucking shove in the shoulder for his trouble. Well, more punch than shove. Not that he was feeling much. He’d woken with Raven that morning, had gotten to sink into her soft, curvy body, to feel her pussy clamp around him as she’d come, then to top it off, he had gotten his own orgasm.

A good morning.

Even better that the women hadn’t been pissed they’d crashed their fun.

Even better, he’d gotten more time with Raven and his family with the sun on his face and the sand beneath his feet.

And wet denim that meant his woman was thinking about his ass.

“FuckingJacksons,” Lex muttered, starting to walk away.

Connor managed to get it together enough to straighten, to snag Lex’s arm. “I was just going to ask what you were doing in town,” he said. “Chance mentioned you’d be out here for a while.”

Lex was still glaring at him, but he stopped trying to walk away. “I was transferred to the local field office. Chance and Carter and all of you fuckers keep talking about how great the town is.” A shrug. “There was a rental downtown open. I took it and thought I’d see what the fuss was about.”


Lex raised his brows in question.

“What do you think?”

“It’s like a fucking Hallmark movie puked all over town.”

Connor grinned, considering that was an apt description. “You’ll get used to it.” A pat to his friend’s shoulder. “Yeah, Darlington is a small town and there are plenty of people who’ll be up in your business—the bulk of them being Jacksons—butlook,man.” He swept an arm out, encompassing the dunes, the ocean, the people around them. “You can’t beat this.”

Lex’s scowl faded, his tone losing its hard edge. “Yeah,” he said. “You can’t beat this.”

Connor might be whipped, might be spending the bulk of his time trying to figure out how to get his woman home and in bed and to himself, or out to dinnerthenhome to himself so he could enjoy the outfit she kept teasing him about, but he wasn’t so whipped as to miss Lex’s gaze drifting down the beach.

Drifting down to a certain woman whose bright red hair was blowing in the breeze, whose freckles were visible even from twenty feet away, whose smile was wide and as pretty as she was inside.

Drifting down to Frankie.