Page 77 of Free Fall


She was getting tired of consults and charting.

She was ready to get back into the action.

To the business of the emergency department when the sun was down, the moon was up, and the cases were intense. She’d been back at work a little more than a month, been with Connor a little less than that, and things were good. Were great. Were pretty near perfect.

Minus his insistence that the Breakers games took priority over the reality show the girls had gotten her addicted to.

Just because the hockey games werelive.



Ughalso because she was deciding she liked hockey, especially when she spent the game cuddled up next to Connor on the couch, his warm arms around her, snacks on the coffee table front of them, and a wine glass within reach.

And she also liked that he’d gotten addicted to her show.

She grumbled about having to wait to watch it with him, but she liked they were making these traditions, were intertwining their lives. She liked she was able to make them, to participate, to not worry she was going to do something to make it go wrong.

Her past wasn’t going to fuck this up.

She was determined on that.

So, yeah, while she did complain she couldn’t just watch their trash TV without him, she was also soaking up every moment of living this new chapter of her life.

And…she was soaking up every moment while thinking she really wouldn’t mind a few nights in a busy ER, working until she was exhausted and then crawling into bed next to him, waking him up and—

“Don’tfuckingtouch me!”

Ice down her spine. Her stomach immediately in knots.


Raven knew that voice.

Sheknewthat voice.

“Fuck,” she whispered, clicking at her screen, pulling up the list of patients in the department, and…

Fuck. Her. Life.

Sylvia Montergo.

Room three.

Her mother was supposed to be a state away,supposedto be out of her life. For-fucking-ever. Or at least until the next berating phone call from a number she hadn’t blocked yet.

Sylvia Montergo.

In her department.

“Shit,” she murmured, logging out and shoving in the keyboard as her mother’s voice came again. Even louder, piercing through the normal hum and buzz of a day shift.

Piercing through Raven’s happy.

Piercing through the stupid hope she’d clung to, thinking that her past would finally stop influencing her future.