Page 78 of Free Fall

“Don’t you fucking—!”

Raven pushed back her chair.

She wanted to turn around, to walk right the fuck out of the department. To get into her car and start driving.


Until she could find a place to start over.

It wouldn’t matter.

Her mom would find her.

No matter if she changed her number or her address or blocked calls or refused to disengage.

Thiswould always happen—her past creeping in and fucking up her life.



Her gaze slid up, drifted to Connor’s, and the sympathy in his hazel eyes killed—fuckingkilled.

She got to her feet, walked past him.

To Room Three.

Several nurses were there—one, Cindy, with a blooming red mark beneath her cheek.

“What happened?” Raven asked, hating the cold in her belly.

“This woman—” her mother started.

Raven didn’t spare the woman who’d contributed half her DNA anything more than a passing glance. “I wasn’t talking to you.” Then she turned back to Cindy and asked again, “What happened?”

Cindy bit her lip then said, “We were chatting, and she asked about you.” Her eyes flicked between Raven and her mom. “I told her I’d go see if you were busy and stepped out to let you know your mom was here. But then I realized I’d forgotten to log out, so I came back in.” Cindy’s hand came up, pressed lightly to the mark. “She was using my login to try and get the meds station open.”

Her mother knew no bounds.

Unfortunately, she was also smart.

Knowing the drugs would be locked up.

Taking advantage of a young, newer nurse.

“Then what happened?” she asked over her mother protesting her innocence.

“I saw her at the station and when I asked her what she was doing, she told me to mind my own business.”

“That’s not—!”

She turned to Connor. “Call security.”

He nodded, but when he turned to step out of the room, he stopped, moved back to her side.

Because her order had Sylvia Montergo going apeshit.

“Not leaving you,” he whispered, squeezing her hand. “Kath,” he said louder. “You call security.” And then he moved forward, grabbed her mother’s arm, and slowly, but inexorably pushed her back onto the gurney. “You,” he ordered, his tone harsher than Raven had ever heard it. “Sit down and shut up.”