Page 981 of Deep Pockets

Two Years Later

I stared down the green in shock. I had just hit the last ball in my very first tournament back in the world I’d thought I lost forever. And, even better, it was on the Wright Golf Club course. The course I had helped design and run for the last two years. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and getting it added to the PGA docket for the upcoming year was an even sweeter victory.

Not that I had come back with a bang or anything. I’d ended this tournament in the middle of the pack. My recovery had been long and arduous, but it had happened. And my physical therapist, Anjee, continually reminded me that it would have been quicker if I hadn’t been such a shit about pushing myself.

My old friend and caddy, Jake Gibson, had come in for the tournament to play with me again.

He picked up the ball I’d hit and passed it to me. “Congrats, man. It’s good to have you back.”

“Yeah, it’s good to be back.”

“And probably not to have Ryan hounding you.”

I laughed. “True. That part was annoying.”

“Start full-time training next week for the PGA Qualifiers?”

“You bet,” I agreed.

Then, I walked off the course and found my beautiful fiancée waiting for me. Heidi’s face split as I approached, and she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet.

“You did so well!” she cried, throwing her arms around me.

I kissed the top of her head and tugged her in close. “I kind of sucked, love.”

“Well, whatever. You’re golfing again!”

“Dreams do come true.”

“Do you have any other obligations today?”

I looped my arm around her waist as we walked back up to the clubhouse.

“Nothing else today. Why?”

“I might or might not have planned a surprise party.”

“No. No way,” I said. “And, anyway, it’s not a surprise if I know.”

“Oh, you’ll be surprised.”

“Do we have to go now?”

She nodded her head in excitement and bounced around some more. “I’m really, really excited.”

“I can tell that,” I said, grabbing her for another kiss. “Let me just clean up and change. Then, we can head out.”


“You can always surprise me with a blow job if you want.”

“Landon Wright!” she snapped.

I just laughed. “Later then?”

Then, she gave me a mysterious look. “Probably…yeah.”

I grinned devilishly, and she smacked my arm as I passed. I loved her to pieces, and our sex life was unimaginable. I never thought that I could be this happy.