Page 982 of Deep Pockets

After six months together, I’d popped the question and asked her to move in and marry me, all in one fell swoop.

She’d turned me down.

I should have seen it coming. Heidi was her own incredible woman, and she did things her own way.

After a week, she’d conceded that she had only said no on principle and that she wanted to be with me forever anyway. But, from there, we’d been taking things slow, and we still hadn’t set a date for the wedding. I was waiting for her to tell me when she was ready. If she was in no rush and she was in my arms and my bed every day, then I could wait for her. I thought a part of her was waiting to see if her dad would get out on parole to be there for the wedding. So, I didn’t push her.

We’d gotten rid of my tree house and her apartment, and we’d bought a house by the golf course. Emery had moved in with Jensen the same weekend.

Best friends and brothers. Who would have guessed?

Once I was changed, I found Heidi leaning back against the Jeep I’d gotten after taking over my new position at Wright Golf Club. It’d felt more permanent once I had my own car here. No more borrowing Jensen’s Mercedes. She was in cutoff jean shorts and a cropped tank top with sandals, and I wanted to eat her right up. Damn surprise.

“Where are we heading, firecracker?” I asked, swinging the keys around on my finger.

She held her hand out. “Hand them over.”

“You’re not driving my car.”

“Watch me,” she countered.

I laughed, knowing which buttons to push, and tossed her the keys. We piled into the Jeep, and she drove me to the north side of town. I couldn’t figure out where we were headed until she actually pulled into the parking lot.

“You’re kidding,” I said with a look of disbelief.

“It’ll be fun!”

I stared up at the sign for miniature golf and burst out laughing. “You are so ridiculous.”

“Yeah, you love it.”


When we walked into the outdoor putt-putt course, I acted as surprised as I’d promised I would be. My entire family was there, waiting for us. Jensen and Emery were bent over, talking to Colton. Austin and Patrick were trying to figure out how to juggle the golf balls. Morgan was shaking her head at the pair of them and talking animatedly to Julia. Sutton was chasing after a two-year-old Jason, who was toddling along ahead of her.

Heidi cleared her throat, and they all turned to look at us. “We made it!”

Everyone cheered and congratulated me on my first tournament back, and it was truly amazing to have my wacky, damaged, incredible family all in one place. Then, as the excitement wore off, everyone moved to pick up their equipment.

“I’m blue!” Morgan called.

“I call hot pink!” Patrick said in a pretty good imitation of Morgan’s voice.

She slapped him on the arm. Hard.

“This putter is way too short,” Jensen said, holding up a crappy putter. He shrugged, taking it with him anyway.

“I’m going first!” Colton yelled.

Heidi and I moved up to the putt-putt station last. I claimed a mustard-yellow ball that no one else had wanted, and she grabbed a magenta-colored one.

“You do realize, I’m going to win, right?” I asked with a cocky grin.

Heidi rolled her eyes. “No way. I am kick-ass at mini golf.”

“This is my job, firecracker.”

“Well, listen here. I’m very competitive.”