“Is it true?” he asked.
“Like you don’t know.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Can I come in?”
“I guess you can. Doesn’t matter anymore,” I said as I walked away from the front door, leaving him room to follow me in. I heard the door click shut behind him.
“Emery said that you were fired,” he said.
I winced, as if he had slapped me. Fired. That fucking word. Poisonous and toxic. One word able to do so much damage.
“Happened this morning.”
“Why didn’t you call or text me?”
His arm landed on my sleeve, and I jumped away from him. A look of horror flitted across his face and then disappeared.
“What would I have said?”
“I could have been here. We could have worked this out together.”
“I think we already did. And it happened just like I’d said it would, Landon. That time I told you what would happen and you didn’t listen. You just had to move forward. You had to have me. You couldn’t listen to me when I told you that this couldn’t work, that my job meant something to me, that I needed it. I even told you why I needed it, and that didn’t seem to be enough. You had to push. You had to demand. Well, congratulations! You got exactly what you wanted.”
“You think I wanted this?” he asked in disbelief. “You think I wanted you to lose your job?”
“I think you didn’t care one way or another as long as you got what you wanted,” I said with venom in my voice. My hands were trembling at my sides.
“That is not true, and you know it.”
“No, I don’t!” I shouted at him. “Because here I am, without my job, and you get to keep yours because you’re a fucking Wright brother.”
“I didn’t even know that this was happening. I never would have let them do this to you.”
“Well, it seems we’ve found something you’re not good at. I thought what we had between us felt so right.” I shook my head and looked away. “I was wrong.”
“Heidi,” he moaned. He ran a hand back through his hair. “Please, love, let me fix this. I can make this right. I know I can.”
“No, you can’t. And you don’t really want to. You all have millions of dollars. You’re a fucking celebrity. How could you possibly understand someone like me?” I threw at him.
“I didn’t think any of that ever mattered to you,” he said stiffly.
“And here I thought that I mattered to you. Guess we were both wrong.”
Landon recoiled at my words. I was hurting him on purpose. I knew I was. But I was so angry with me and him and the world. He was just an easy target. Because we could have stopped. He could have not pushed me the way he had, but he didn’t stop or back down. And, now, I was the one paying the price. Not him.
“You should leave,” I told him.
“Please, don’t do this.”
“I said, leave.”
“Heidi, I won’t just leave you.”
I turned my back on him. “Just go, Landon. Now.”
Tears welled in my eyes again. I heard him breathing deeply behind me. I knew that he didn’t want to go. And part of me wanted to turn around and beg him to stay.
But I didn’t.