Page 958 of Deep Pockets

And he left.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I tried to put my hand through the brick wall outside of Heidi’s apartment when I left. It didn’t go so well.

“Fuck!” I cried as I stomped over to the Mercedes.

I shook my bleeding hand out before getting into the front seat, but it didn’t do much good. The knuckles were broken, and it hurt like a motherfucker. At least the pain kept me from thinking about the train wreck I had just walked into.

When Emery had texted me and told me to come over, I’d expected it to be bad. But I certainly hadn’t thought it would be as bad as it was. I couldn’t fucking believe that Heidi had been fired without anyone even talking to me. It was so unbelievably fucked up that I was beyond livid. I had known Heidi would be a pissed, but I hadn’t prepared for her to take it out on me. I hadn’t been prepared for it to be my fault.

And I should have been. Because it was my fault.

I’d pushed and advocated for this. I wanted to be with her, and I didn’t care about anything else. Of course, I never wanted her to lose her job. Never in a million years. But we hadn’t been careful. Hell, we’d never been careful. It was fucking amazing that no one had caught us before now, considering all the shit we had done together.

But I wasn’t going to let Heidi walk away from us.

We were meant for each other.

Nothing was going to stand in my way.

I drove over to Jensen’s with a blind determination. I broke at least three traffic laws on the way, but I could really give zero fucks about it all.

After pulling into the garage, I wandered into Jensen’s house and called out for him, “Jensen!”

“Up here,” he called back.

I found him sitting in his second-story office, staring at his computer screen. My hand was still on fire, but I slapped it down onto his desk.

“What the hell did you do?” I demanded.

He glanced at my hand. “You’re bleeding on my desk.”

“Let me repeat myself. What the fuck did you do?”

“Landon, I didn’t do anything. But I know what you’re going to say.”

“No, you don’t!”

“Yes, I think I do. Now, have a seat and talk to me about this.”

“I quit!”

Jensen sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Sit,” he repeated, pointing at the chair.

“I’m not going to sit down and be a good boy, Jensen! This is outrageous. I told you I was seeing someone, and then Heidi got fired before I was even told about what was happening. Don’t you think that’s fucking ridiculous? I would never have let that happen to her, and now, you have lost one of your best employees,” I snapped at him. “So, yeah, I quit. I need the job, but I don’t need it this much. Give Heidi her job back, and let me fucking figure out my own thing.”

Jensen leaned back in his seat. “Are you done?”

“Am I fucking done? That’s all you have to say?”

“Well, are you going to clean up your hand, was second, but I thought I’d lead with the more important question.”

“Did you hear a word I said?”

“Of course I did, Landon. But you’re not quitting the company. I didn’t know that Heidi had been fired until it had already happened, and I’m working on discovering who is behind the videos that surfaced.”