Landon sighed softly. “Is that when he went to prison?”
I nodded. My voice was hoarse when I said, “Six years on Saturday.”
“That’s a long time not to talk to him.”
“Not long enough,” I countered.
Landon pressed another kiss into my shoulder. I thought he knew not to press me on it and that it was a big step that I had even told him this much. As often as we had talked before and as much as everyone in the town knew about Hank Martin’s illegal affairs, no one ever dared to talk about it with me.
“And, on Saturday…are you going to be okay?”
“I usually spend the day alone,” I admitted.
“I don’t want you to be alone this year,” he told me. “Not anymore. Not when you have me. Okay?”
I nodded because words were failing me. “Okay.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
I woke up to the sound of the door slamming, and Emery yelling my name, “Heidi?”
“Oh, fuck,” I murmured.
Landon groaned next to me and tugged me closer to him. Either he was the deepest sleeper ever or he simply didn’t care that my best friend, his freaking ex-girlfriend, was about to walk in on us while we were half-naked.
“Landon,” I said, shoving him. “Get up. Get up. Get up. You need to…like, hide in the closet.”
His brown eyes slowly opened and stared up at me. He had a sexy grin on his face and said, “Morning.”
“Landon, come on.”
“Did you say, hide in the closet?” he asked, as if just processing what I’d said.
“Yeah, Emery is—”
Just then Emery burst into the room, dressed in a pair of tiny black shorts and an oversize black T-shirt. It could have been Jensen’s.
“Oh, shit,” Emery said.
“Home,” I finished.
Landon languidly rolled over and stretched his arms over his head. “Morning, Em.”
“Oh my God,” she said, holding her hands up over her eyes. “That was not…I mean—fuck. I’m just going to—yep, all right then.” She stumbled backward out of the doorway.
I groaned. “Ugh!”
Landon laughed, reaching for me. “Why are you so embarrassed?”
I pushed him back into the pillow. “You are such a dude.”
“Hey, hey,” he said, holding up his hands. “She’s the one dating my brother.”
I threw my pillow at him as I jumped out of bed. “And do you want to see her in bed with him?”
He scrunched up his nose.