Once we were both clean, Landon wrapped a towel around my shoulders and kissed my lips. “You look tired. Why don’t you crawl into bed, and I’ll find you some clothes?”
I nodded absentmindedly and walked to the bed. I toweled off most of the water and then knotted the towel in my hair before climbing into bed. My body succumbed to the soft comforter and down pillows on contact. I vaguely heard Landon slip back into his boxer briefs and rummage through my drawers.
“T-shirts are in the closet,” I mumbled.
“You hang up all your T-shirts?”
“Yes. I’m a bit obsessive.”
He laughed and then entered the walk-in closet, flicking on the overhead light. He returned a minute later with a high school cheerleading shirt in hand and a pair of underwear.
“No shorts?” I asked, pushing the covers back and sitting up to slide into the clothes.
“I’d love to keep you naked all night, but I think you need to sleep. And I want to be able to grab your ass.”
I laughed as I tugged on the T-shirt. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Probably,” he said with a shrug. “Hey, what are all those letters in there?”
I froze in place, my hand halfway to pulling my hair out of the towel. “What?” I squeaked.
“You realize you have a huge collection of letters in a box in your closet, right?” he said with an easy laugh as he walked around to the other side of the bed.
“You went through my letters?” I asked, panicked.
“No.” He turned to look at me, as if just realizing that I was freaking out. “I just saw them. They’re sitting out in the open.”
“They’re nothing. Forget about them,” I said a little too hastily.
“I said, forget about them.” I raised my voice and stormed into the bathroom to hang up my towel. My hands were shaking as I put it on a hook on the back of the door, and my stomach was in knots. I hadn’t even thought about him seeing the letters. I hadn’t considered he would ask.
Landon knocked twice on the bathroom door and sighed. “Heidi, come out here, please.”
I took a deep breath and opened the door. “Hey.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that would upset you. I was legitimately curious.”
I nodded twice and then stepped into his open arms. “It’s…it’s okay. I just…I wasn’t prepared.”
“It’s okay. Let’s go to bed, all right?”
I nodded.
We crawled into bed, and Landon turned off the last light, casting us into darkness. He pulled me tight against his chest and kissed my shoulder. I lay there, completely content with just listening to the rise and fall of his chest and his gentle breathing. I waited until I was sure he was almost asleep before getting up the guts to say anything.
“They’re from my dad,” I whispered.
It was the first time I had ever said that aloud. I was pretty sure Emery knew, but we didn’t talk about it.
“I thought they might be,” Landon said into my shoulder.
“I don’t answer them.”
“Not once in six years.”