Page 468 of Deep Pockets

Grayson’s eyes express his satisfaction as he watches me admiring all the details like a kid in a candy store.

“I thought the same thing the first time I came here. It’s one of my favorite restaurants in town.”

“How’d you get a reservation so quickly? I heard reservations book out more than a week in advance.”

“My father and I have been coming here for years.”

It’s the first time Grayson has mentioned anything personal about himself. I jump at the opportunity to discuss more but am interrupted by the waitress.

With sparkly eyes and glossy lips, her brown hair is pulled back, and she’s wearing a similar uniform as the hostess. “Mr. Cole, a pleasure to see you again.” She fills our glasses with water, then smiles, and looks at me. “My name is Sarah. What can I get you to drink?”

Apparently, she doesn’t need to ask Grayson what he wants. “I’ll take a blackberry Mojito.”

“I’ll have that here for you in a moment.” After rattling off the Chef’s special, Sarah disappears to get our drinks.

Once I finish looking over the menu, my attention returns to Grayson. “I get the impression you’re some kind celebrity here. Are you a rich bachelor and I don’t know it?”

Grayson chuckles. “My father is just that. He’s a well-known and wealthy bachelor in town—Arnold Cole.”

“Your father is the owner of Cole Industries?”

Grayson nods. “I’ve kept my life separate from his, but Aqua is a place we frequent when we get together.”

“Any siblings?”

Grayson shakes his head.

“Are you in contact with your mother?”

His jaw ticks like it does when he’s irritated or has a change of emotion, but I can’t identify which it is. Again, he shakes his head and thankfully, the awkward tension is disrupted by Sarah bringing us our drinks.

“Your Old Fashioned, Mr. Cole and your Mojito,” she says, setting the glass close to me. “Have we decided on what to order?”

Grayson looks to me.

“I’ll have the Salmon Béarnaise,” I reply.

“Great choice,” she tells me.

“The Prime Bone-in Filet,” Grayson says, followed with a cordial nod.

“Thank you, Mr. Cole. I’ll have your dinner out to you both shortly.”

She disappears again and Grayson’s attention settles on me as he takes a drink. “Ready for the show tonight?”

“I am. It’s one I’ve wanted to see, but haven’t had the chance to go; plus, Megs isn’t into anything romantic, and Claire is married and always busy with her husband and daughter.”

“I’m pleased I’m the one who gets to take you.”

There he goes again, charming me with his words. “Me too. Would you normally watch this kind of show or are you doing it for me?”

“For you, but I’m sure I’ll be entertained.”

And now the question I’ve been dying to know. “The white roses you’ve been leaving me, I adore them, but I’m wondering what they symbolize to you.”

Unbuttoning his jacket, Grayson relaxes into his chair, never taking his eyes off me. “In the Victorian Era, men would bring women a bouquet of white roses to symbolize they intended to pursue the woman in courtship.”

“Does that mean you intend to court me?” I giggle.