Page 469 of Deep Pockets

“I do and I am.”

“You’re quite the romantic, Grayson Cole. You drink Old Fashioned, take women to romantic plays, and know about Victorian Era traditions. No wonder you’re an agent of romance novels.”

His smile tells me he’s humored by my statement. “I told you it’s good to know what a woman likes.”

My curiosity is piqued. “Why is that?”

Beneath his eyes is that mystery I still have yet to discover. Grayson is a romantic, but he’s also very private. I feel there’s so much more to discover about him and that I’ve barely scratched the surface.

Sarah approaches our table and Grayson smiles pleasantly as she sets our plates down.


She departs and after my first bite, Grayson asks how it is.

“It’s perfect. Incredibly delicious.”

Grayson gives me that handsome smile of his and like a lovesick fool, I’m full of bubbles and butterflies on the inside.

“Good, I hoped you’d like the food here.”

Conversation slows as we eat our meals. A while later, Sarah takes the empty plates and offers dessert.

I wave my hand. “No, thank you. The meal was perfect. No room left.”

Sarah nods and scurries off.

“Maybe after the show, you’ll want dessert. I know a place we can pick up something sweet.”

Taking my napkin from my lap, I set it on the table. “Sounds perfect.”

Sarah returns and brings the bill and Grayson quickly pays. With a glance at the bill, my eyes widen. One meal at this place is what I spend on two weeks of groceries and on top of it, Grayson gives Sarah a very large tip. I swallow the lump in my throat at how much he just spent on me.

“Thank you, Mr. Cole. Hope to see you again.”

Raising to my feet, I move into Grayson’s arm when he extends it around me.

“Thank you. That was the best dinner I’ve ever had.”

With a gentle graze of his lips, he kisses my head. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

The valet delivers Grayson’s car and opens the door for me. Once I’m in, Grayson speeds off to the theater.

I twiddle my fingers as I think about the cost of the meal we just had. “I’ve never had a man spend that much money on me, Grayson. I appreciate it and admittedly feel bad that you spent so much.”

Grayson glances over at me and the corner of his mouth raises. “Don’t you know you’re not supposed to look at the bill?” His hand moves up and grazes my jaw. “You’re worth it, Princess.”

I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’d just spent the last two years being madly in love with Derrick just to have him rip my heart out, but my brows tighten and I ask, “Why am I worth it?”

Grayson seems taken back by the question. “Emma, you shouldn’t have to ask. You’re beautiful, intelligent, independent, funny, and sexy-as-hell when you moan.”

My cheeks warm from the memories of our morning escapades. I spend the rest of the ride wondering what is happening between Grayson and me and whether or not I can trust him like he wants me to.

Driving into the parking garage, he finds a spot then comes to my door and opens it. When I get out, his hand cups my cheek and he moves me against the car, pinning me between him and it. His warm body presses into mine, his hand tangles in my hair and gives it a tug. The tingling pain mixes with the pleasure of his kiss.

Leaning back, he looks into my eyes and his soften. “I appreciate that you’re genuinely grateful for the dinner. You’re the first woman to be humble about the gesture.”

Surprised, I angle my head. “What kind of women do you normally date?” I immediately think of Olivia. “Never mind. I’m guessing they’re all beautiful, intelligent, and independent women. You have a type, don’t you?”