Page 173 of Deep Pockets

Six guys in the hallway. One of them swept the apartment to make sure there was nobody else hiding under the bed or in the closets. They were all clear.

Will never came back inside.

I saw him last at the opposite end of the hall, giving orders to a seventh guard. Settle the debt with whoever is owed, he was saying. Get the word out that if anybody comes back here, there’ll be hell to pay.

He must have felt me watching, because he glanced over. There were five men between the two of us.

Will took a step back anyway. More distance.

He probably just needs some time.

He paid off the debt. He left an entire security team to guard the apartment. There’s a car to take the twins to school and another one to take me wherever I need to go.

That must mean he’s with me. That we’re together.

But even a man as strong as Will Leblanc needs time to collect himself.

Mia stirs on the couch. On my other side, Ben stretches.


“Yes,” they both say at the same time, then laugh. It’s a tired, scared laugh.

They need time to collect themselves, too.

I’m standing in front of the fridge when my phone rings.

Shit. The temp agency.

Today is supposed to be my last day at Summit, but I haven’t called in. No call, no show. That’s a big deal in the world of temp agencies. I could be fired. I push the button to accept the call.

“This is Bristol. I’m so sorry I didn’t call in. There was a situation last night, and—”

“Not a problem, Ms. Anderson. I’m calling to let you know that you’re finished with the Summit assignment.”

There’s a lonely thump in my heart. “Oh, but—I still have one more day left on that contract. I thought I could go back on Monday and finish it. Or maybe I could work tomorrow. I know it’s a Saturday, but—”

“There’s no need.” The lady on the phone is calm and kind. “A representative from Summit communicated to us that you’ve undergone some personal hardship. As a result, we’re putting you on paid leave. You can let us know when you’re ready for your next assignment.”


“Take as long as you need.”

The temp agency doesn’t have a paid leave policy. As long as you need? That’s Will.

My eyes sting. The hollow of my throat aches.

The offer breaks my heart to pieces.

He’s paying me to go away and leave him alone. He’s making sure I never have to go back to the Summit offices again. If I’d been running a con, this would be a victory. All the debt has been wiped out and I have money to set up for the next thing. If I was like my father, I’d be dancing right now.

Except I’m not a con artist.

And I love Will Leblanc.

Or maybe I don’t. Maybe I just care about him. I got curious, and I let myself care, and…

He doesn’t want me back.