Page 172 of Deep Pockets

Me. I’m the emergency. Send as many people as you have to get me the fuck out of here and keep me away from Bristol Anderson.

“We’ve had a break-in. A man with a gun entered and threatened—” My Bristol. Mine. “—the woman who lives here.”

“Was the weapon fired?”

“No, I got to him first.”

“Any injuries?”

“Yes. I beat the hell out of him.”

“Is the intruder still conscious, sir?”

I glance at the crumpled mess on the kitchen floor. “No. But he’s breathing.”

“Does anyone else in the home have any injuries?”

The children here are going to have nightmares about me for the rest of their lives. My teeth won’t stop chattering. Sinclair is going to give me hell for punching a guy out when I have a concussion.

I’m a monster. It’s not safe here. Hurry up.

“No. We just need somebody to take this guy away.”

“Officers and paramedics are on their way. Should be a few minutes at most. I’m going to stay on the line with you until they arrive.”

My throat closes up. Yeah, would you? Just stay on the line. That would be great. “Mm-hmm.”

Bristol’s got her arms around her siblings. A tear slips down her cheek. This is the last time I can let her look at me like this. It’s the last time I can let her see me.

I’m not letting any more monsters get to her.

She’ll be safe from all of us. Especially me.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


None of it feels real.

Not the fresh apartment living room with the wide, cushy couch. Not both the twins curled up next to me on a Friday morning. Not the high-def TV playing a movie with the volume on low.

We’ve been out here all night, cuddling.

They didn’t want to sleep alone in their bedroom, so I let them watch TV until they passed out. Not the best parenting move, probably, but they’ve had enough turbulence in their lives lately. I wanted them to know we had each other, the three of us, no matter what else happens.

Both of them woke up early. Brushed teeth. Picked a new movie.

I’m the only one watching. They’re both asleep again.

I get it.

Yesterday was a hard day.

The fight happened fast, but everything else took most of the evening. Police came to the apartment. Paramedics. Two of the cops took Will outside for a statement. I sat at the kitchen table with the twins and we repeated what happened. The cop was a kind, patient woman, but it still hurt to see the twins recount everything, to feel the fear vibrating through their small bodies.

Cops took the gunman away, handcuffed to a stretcher, still breathing.

Then the private security team showed up.