“Have a girls’ night tomorrow.” His lips grazed my jawline, and he nibbled on my ear in a way that made me want to throw myself back in his bed.
“Can’t. As much as I want to stay—”
“Then, stay.”
“Oh, you are trouble.”
“Yes,” he agreed easily.
I removed his hands from my ass with a sigh. “You’re making this really difficult.”
“I never promised to fight fair.”
I laughed. “That’s for damn sure.”
“When will I see you again?” he asked, following me to the door.
“I don’t know. Tomorrow?”
“Good.” His eyes lit up at that. “Tomorrow is a promise.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I like that.”
“Are you going to tell Em?”
“Yeah,” I said with a sheepish grin. “Can’t hide anything from her. Plus, anyway, she guessed what was going on back in December.”
“Of course, she did.” Landon tried to pull me back into him again. “You sure you can’t tell her tomorrow?”
I smiled and pressed a firm kiss to his lips. “I’ll miss you, too.”
He finally released me, and I slipped out the door. He stood in the open doorway in nothing but his boxers, and it was damn hard to walk away from that.
That body.
Those abs.
That V!
Fuck, I wanted that body, and everything he was capable of doing with it.
Somehow, I managed to make it out to my car and even start the ignition. He stood there, smirking at me, in the most come-hither display I’d ever witnessed. It took so much self-control to back out of that parking spot and go home.
When I entered the house, Emery was sprawled out on the couch with Buffy the Vampire Slayer on for the hundredth time.
“You’re back!” Emery said with a big smile. “I thought maybe you’d ditched me.”
“Nope. I remembered girls’ night. Just going to get into something a little more comfortable.”
Emery hopped off the couch and followed me into my room. “Why are you wearing work clothes?”
“That’s an excellent question.”
“Actually, where were you anyway?”
“Also a good question.”
I grabbed some pajamas and clean underwear before retreating into the bathroom without answering Emery’s questions. I needed a moment to compose myself before dishing the goods.