When I came back out, she was sitting on my bed with her legs crossed under her like a pretzel. “Avoiding the questions much?”
“No,” I said evasively.
“You got another letter today.” She held up the same standard white envelope that I had been getting once a week for the last six years. I frowned and plucked it out of her hand.
“Thanks,” I mumbled before stuffing it in my closet with all the other unopened letters.
Emery frowned. “Are you going to…”
“No,” I told her with more force than necessary. “I’m not.”
“K,” she said quickly. She knew when not to press. “So, spill where you were and what you were doing. Or else I’ll make you talk about the letters.”
“Okay, okay,” I said, holding up my hands in defense. “I was…with Landon.”
“I KNEW IT!” she yelled. Emery jumped off the bed. Her smile was wide and her green eyes bright.
I laughed at her overreaction. “I didn’t even say anything else.”
“Well, you’re finally fucking admitting to me that you’re into Landon. I’ve been waiting for this for months. So, are you like together, together?” Emery asked.
“Emery, I do not understand you. Why are you so excited about this? You dated Landon for two years. I was terrified of telling you.”
Emery shrugged and flipped her dark hair off her shoulders. “Besides the fact that I’m dating his brother? I think I got over my anger at the Wrights because of Jensen. We were kids, Heidi. Landon left me because he thought he was doing the right thing by his dad. I didn’t understand that at the time, but ten years gives you a lot of perspective. I do not begrudge you dating him, like I might have right after high school or something.”
“I guess that makes sense. I mean…I still feel weird, telling you about it.”
“You haven’t told me anything,” she groaned, dragging me out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. “Tell me all the details. I think we need ice cream and bubbles to celebrate.”
“Oh, champs, yes!” I agreed.
“Champs?” Emery snorted. “You are so Real Housewives right now. Oh my God, I hate myself for knowing that. Damn Morgan and her obsession with those kinds of shows and trash magazines.”
I laughed. “Does she still watch just to make fun of people?”
“Yes, though I think she’s secretly obsessed. Anyway, enough about Morgan. Tell me about Landon. You’re together?”
“Yes. Well, no. I mean, not technically since he’s in the middle of a divorce.”
“Oh, thank fuck about Miranda.”
“And there’s the whole issue with him being my boss,” I reminded her.
“Oh, right. You have that no-dating-coworkers thing.”
She plopped vanilla ice cream into bowls for us and drizzled chocolate fudge on top. I took one from her, and we headed back to the living room.
“Julia said that I’d probably get moved if something happened since he’s a Wright. But do not say anything to Jensen.”
“Ugh, seriously?” Emery said, digging into her ice cream.
“I don’t want Jensen to know. We’ll get in trouble, and I think I’m in line for a promotion. I’ve worked so hard for this job.”
“Okay,” Emery said, “I understand that. You got yourself where you are today. But what about Landon?”
“If he wanted to move…he would have asked already,” I said a bit defensively.
“So, you’re going to wait for him to make the move?”