Page 541 of Deep Pockets

Eric shook his head. “I wasn’t talking about the training situation. I was talking about Tiffany.”

“We’ve settled into a nice routine.” Comfortable. Easy. Much more peaceful than he would have suspected. She was different than she seemed. He’d stayed away from her for numerous reasons, but one of them had been her chaotic nature and her inability to keep her nose in her own business. Yet for days she’d been calm, settling into their daily routine with a grace he’d never suspected. They were working together quite nicely and she’d ceased asking embarrassing questions. “She has her space and I have mine. We’ve gone over a few of the training methods we’ll use on our charges and everything else has been work or sleep.”

“Ah, the calm before the storm. You know how everything gets real calm and still right before a tornado hits? It’s kind of like all the wind has been sucked up and the world seems peaceful. Then you realize all that air is nothing but fuel for the storm and it’s heading right for you.”

“What are you talking about?”

Eric shrugged like this should all be evident to him. “Tiffany. She’s up to something. I know when a woman is plotting. She’s been whispering with Deena.”

“They’re friends. Maybe Deena’s plotting. Maybe you’re the one who’s getting flanked.” He didn’t like the thought of Tiffany planning something behind his back. And what exactly would she plan? “You know it’s far more likely that Deena would be planning something. Tiffany would know that we should simply talk about what she needs. We have a contract in place and a schedule that she follows to the letter.”

“Damn, she’s following a schedule?” Eric sounded like he couldn’t quite believe it. “Now I know she’s up to something. Look, I get it. This relationship of yours is new and it’s all D/s based, so you’re feeling totally superior to my sad-sack marriage, but mark my words, brother. That woman wants you and not in a strictly D/s fashion.”

“Wants me?”

“Yeah, she’s seducing you with submission,” Eric said smoothly. “She’s lulling you into a false sense of control, and you’re going to wake up six weeks from now in her bed and you’ll have moved in, and when did you put that collar around her neck? That’s when she turns into a real live woman, and those are difficult to deal with.”

What the hell was Eric talking about? “We don’t have that kind of relationship. I’m not looking for a romantic connection with her.”

Eric sighed and was silent for a moment. “Then I’m going to ask you to go to Big Tag and stop this thing. Deena and I will take over. I’ve already talked to her about it and we can handle both. I’ll deal with Jaye and we’ll move Tiffany out of the apartment. I’ll find something for her.”

And leave him alone? He’d gotten used to having companionship, used to talking to her over meals. He liked the fact that she sought him out even when they were working and made sure he stopped for lunch. “Things are working out fine. I’m not sure why you think we should stop.”

“Because you don’t want a romantic relationship with her and I suspect very strongly that she does,” Eric pointed out.

That made him stop. It wasn’t a good idea. She would need far more from him than he was willing to give her. And she wasn’t attracted to him. They were simply thrown in together because of circumstances. “I think you’re wrong, but I’ll discuss it with her.”

“She’s a wonderful woman,” Eric said quietly. “She’s beautiful and bright. Are you sure you don’t want her? I think she might be ready for something more serious than mere play.”

He had to steady himself, the pain in his leg shooting through him. He needed more padding. There was a scratch on his right stump that should have been dealt with days before. He wasn’t taking care of himself. He was more concerned with Tiffany seeing him without his prosthetic than he was with taking care of his legs. Hell, he didn’t want her to see his prosthetic at all. And he damn sure didn’t want her to see his wheelchair. He normally used it for a portion of the day to give his legs time to breathe, but he was reluctant to do it around her.

Did he want her? Yes. Did he think it could work? No. Not long term. Maybe. Maybe if she really was attracted to him. Or perhaps she was attracted to his lifestyle. Opposites could attract. Perhaps what he offered her was peace and safety. Her life was chaotic. She seemed to enjoy the order he brought to their home.

He enjoyed calling that apartment their home. It was reason enough to walk away, but couldn’t seem to bring himself to do it.

“Sebastian, it’s all right to want her.” Eric’s voice had gone low, almost sympathetic. “She’s a great woman. She’s fun and kind. I think she’s going to make someone an excellent partner, but she’s also reckless. When she wants something, she tends to throw her whole soul into going for it. You know she walked away from a very comfortable upbringing because she wants to be an artist. She doesn’t want to use her father’s money or influence.”

“She’s not afraid of hard work.” It was one of the things he admired about her.

“So you like her. That’s a good sign.”

“I do,” he replied. “I like her more than I thought I would. If your next question is about whether or not I want her physically, then yes. Like you said. She’s a beautiful woman, but she’s going to want more than I’ll be willing to give.”

“Have you asked her?” Eric asked. “Have you offered what you’re willing to give? I think you might be surprised.”

Frustration welled through him. “I don’t honestly know that this is your business. If you’re warning me off her, then I have to think about how to respond. I understand that you’re watching out for your wife’s friend. I’ll consider it.”

Something about the way Eric’s face fell made Sebastian feel like he’d disappointed the man. “That wasn’t what I was trying to do at all. I was trying to be your friend. Maybe we have two different versions of friendship.”

He turned to walk away and Sebastian realized it was one of those moments. He’d had a few of them. Moments when everything changed. If he allowed Eric to walk away, they would be friendly but not friends.

Wasn’t that what he wanted? Hadn’t friendship gotten him in enough trouble? He’d managed to spend the last three years of his life with almost no real entanglements. He’d performed his duties, done his job, and studied for his Master Som test. He’d passed that and now what? Was he really going to spend the rest of his life without any intimacies?

Tiffany was making him soft, making him want something he shouldn’t.

“What makes you think she’s interested in more than getting through the next few weeks with me?”

Eric turned, a smile creasing his face. “Are we going to do this? Like, really?”