Sometimes he didn’t understand people. “Uhm, I don’t know. If you mean are we going to talk, then yes. If you mean anything else, I’m quite worried.”
“Sebastian, you have to chill, my man. We’re talking. We’re talking about our women. I never thought we would talk about our women.” Eric slid his big body onto the barstool in front of Sebastian. “To be honest, I thought we might be talking about your man.”
“You know it’s sad that in this day and age the mere act of presenting oneself in a slightly more formal fashion brings one’s sexuality into question.” Just because he didn’t wear jeans and grubby T-shirts didn’t mean a thing, and yet this wasn’t his first conversation about his sexuality. “I happen to know several homosexual men who are completely untidy in both appearance and their domesticity. Am I to assume that Tiffany’s predilection for sniffing her clothing to ensure they’ve seen the inside of a washing machine is an indicator of her preference for masculine sexual companions?”
A grin crossed Eric’s face. “God, I love it when you get pissed. I think that was your version of throwing me the finger. Why don’t we taste a little of that Scotch I’m planning on charging fifty dollars a glass for? Pour us some and then tell me why you’re so scared of Tiff.”
He started to reply, to tell Eric that he certainly wasn’t afraid of her. Except he was and if Eric was going to be his friend, he should probably be honest with him. After all, he had helped Eric see Deena in a different light before they’d gotten married. He’d understood Deena’s need to distance. Eric was a bit more like Tiffany. Despite the scar on his face and his time as a Navy SEAL, Eric tended to view the world as a fundamentally good place populated with good people. Basically his opposite. “She’s so different from me.”
He turned and pulled down the Scotch. It looked like he might need it. He uncorked it and let the scent wash over him.
“Yes, and that’s a good thing,” Eric continued. “Though I think you would be surprised at how you’re more alike than different. Like we talked about, she’s a hard worker. She’s loyal to her friends. She’s kind.”
“Well, I will admit that I’m a hard worker.” He poured Eric two fingers worth. Yes, this little therapy session would cost him if he wasn’t sitting here and having it with the owner of the place. He poured his own. “I don’t actually have many friends so I can’t say I’m all that loyal. And I certainly wouldn’t call myself kind.”
“Really? Why’d you send that money to Linc’s mom when her power got cut off? Don’t think I don’t know who did it. Linc was trying to hustle to get a loan so he could get her power back on, but I heard you paying it over the phone and making damn sure they turned it back on that day.”
There was no privacy in the world. “That wasn’t kindness. I had a wine dinner that night and I couldn’t lose my bartender. That was all.”
Eric stared at him.
Eric had likely been excellent with the men under his command when he’d been a SEAL. That steely-eyed stare cut right through him. “All right. I couldn’t stand how upset he was. Also, his mother is elderly and they struggle. It was hot that day. No one should die because they don’t have money. I had it. She needed it. That was all.”
“I’m sure you staying late to clean so other people can get back to their wives or families isn’t a big deal either.”
It was a mere matter of logic. “I don’t have a family. It’s easy for me to stay behind.”
“Tiffany does it, too. Have you ever noticed that she stays behind when you do?” Eric asked. “She’s got a car but she always seems to walk to work and you give her a ride home. Javier’s closer, but she asks you. Have you ever wondered why?”
He had, actually. “I thought it was because I’m easier to deal with than Javi. She knows I wouldn’t hit on her.”
“I think she’s been trying to get you to hit on her. I think she’s a little desperate to get you to hit on her. That’s why you should let her down easy if you’re not interested. She’s ready to get serious about someone, but it doesn’t have to be you. I’ve got a couple of friends I’ve been thinking of introducing her to.”
“Don’t you fucking introduce my sub to other men.” The words came out of his mouth before he could even think about them.
Eric’s eyes widened. “Well, there’s my answer.”
He’d sounded like a damn caveman. The idea of Eric setting Tiffany up with someone else had set him off and that wasn’t a good thing. Still, he couldn’t help the fact that he was a little angry that Eric thought to set up a submissive under contract to another Dom. To him. She was under contract to him. “She’s not dating while we have a contract between us.”
“All that matters is the contract?”
This was why he didn’t have friends. They challenged a man. They forced him to face the truth. “No. I have to admit that living with her the last week has made me more protective of her. It’s made me more than interested in her, but she doesn’t know what she’s in for. I have needs she might find unsavory.”
“I don’t know,” Eric said. “She’s pretty hard core. She was the one in our training class who tried pretty much everything. I would definitely say she’s open to any and all experiences when it comes to the lifestyle. She was the best puppy in our puppy play class.”
If only that was all he was talking about. “I meant my physical needs. Not my sexual ones. I don’t want her to see me in the wheelchair. I’m already pushing it to not use the damn thing.”
Eric shook his head. “Wait. Are you telling me you’re staying away from Tiffany because of your legs?”
He couldn’t possibly understand. “I have to deal with some physical things that she would find unpleasant.”
“Or she would find them all right because she was helping someone she cares about,” Eric pointed out.
He didn’t want her to sacrifice for him. “She’s beautiful. She shouldn’t be stuck with someone who’s not. You’re right. She’s kind, and I worry she’s confusing kindness for attraction.”
Eric’s eyes rolled. “For a smart man, you play dumb well. Come on, man. She’s not a martyr. She’s a grown woman and she knows what she wants. If you want her, test her. Show her those needs you think will make her run away. If you don’t, you’re going to keep the two of you in limbo because Tiffany won’t give up. She’ll spend the next several months of her life trying to catch you.”
How long had it been since a woman tried to catch him? Had any woman ever wanted him so much she chased him? Worked to get him? There had only been Alicia for most of his life and he’d been the one to chase her. He had to wonder if she’d ever really wanted him or if he’d been nothing more than a habit. Or worse, a way to shelter herself. He’d been the friend for so long and then a boy she’d cared about had hurt her. Had he been a way for her to hide from that pain?