Grayson takes my hand in his as we walk to the theater. “I do.”
“Am I your normal type?”
Grayson looks at me and winks. “You’re a little different.”
“Good different?”
“Yes, Emma, good different.”
A giant smile spreads across my face as we walk into the lavish theater.
Chapter Eight
The dirty dancing show was amazing and I even got teary-eyed at the end from its sheer awesomeness. Grayson takes my hand as I stand with him to leave.
“I have to admit, that was better than I expected,” he shares.
“Oh my God, right?! That was incredible. Loved the end as much as I love the end of the movie. Great finale. I’m glad you brought me. Thank you.” I turn to face Grayson in the throughway of the theater and kiss him.
He doesn’t care that people are walking past us. He deepens the kiss and my body ignites.
“Grayson,” his name is a needy whisper.
Captivating blue-green eyes lock on mine. “I think we should forgo dessert, Emma. There’s something I’d like to have instead.”
“What?” I ask coyly.
Grayson’s mouth tilts into a grin. “You, Princess.”
To my surprise, Grayson doesn’t drive to my apartment. I quickly realize he’s taken another route and I assume it’s the route to his place. When we get there, I’m not shocked to see that it’s a condominium in the upscale part of town. Pulling into a private parking garage, he comes to my side of the car and opens the door for me.
When I step out, he affectionately strokes my hair away from my face and then kisses me. “I brought you to my place. Is that okay?”
After I nod, I can see satisfaction fill his eyes. He takes my hand and leads me to the elevator. Six floors up and we walk into a small lobby that leads to three hallways—one left, one right, the other straight ahead. Taking the straight hallway, we reach his door a way down on the left side.
With the door opened, he motions for me to enter first. I do and I’m blown away at how stylish his apartment is. There’s custom built wooden shelves on the right wall above the living room furniture, filled with different books. Below the shelves is a black suede couch, plush rug, and a large TV in the corner of the wall that partially separates the living room from the entryway. To the left is a black and metal breakfast table and beyond that, a kitchen that’s made of dark wood and steel, with matching silver appliances. The kitchen has beautiful dangling yellow lights that match the single one dangling in the living room. A wide hallway cuts through the center and leads to what I assume are the bedrooms and bathroom.
“Your condo is gorgeous.”
“I knew you’d like it.”
My gaze is fixed on the shelves, admiring them. “You know my favorite part is the custom shelves with all the books, right?”
Removing his jacket, Grayson hangs it on a multi-peg hanger fastened to the wall next to where I’m standing.
“I do. It’s my favorite too. Although, there is something else I like just as much.”
I fully turn to face him, very interested in what it is.
Grayson takes my hand and nods his head. “I’ll show you.”
The warmth of his hand holding mine brings me such comfort it alarms me. Each time he takes it I don’t want him to let go and I know that means I’m developing a deeper connection with him. With a deeper connection comes feelings, and with feelings, the opportunity for heartbreak.
While he leads me down the hall, I take in the beautiful painting that nearly fills the wall. Colors are strewn every which way, taking your eyes in different directions, and each new place you look, there’s a new detail to discover. We pass a door along that same wall and I get a quick glimpse of what looks like a home office done in dark wood furniture and filled with more books.
Turning the corner takes us to what looks like his bedroom. Entering, I’m mesmerized by the beauty outside of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The cityscape is just beyond the clear glass. Layers of black and silver buildings showcase bold, bright lights. Above, the nearly full moon cascades a soft hue into his room and across his bed. At the bottom of the window is a brown, leather chair next to a built-in bookshelf and stand. I move between the two and take in the stunning view.