Grayson’s warmth is at my back and the slow, sensual touch of his hand moves my hair away from my face and to the side of my shoulder. Tucking me into his arms, he kisses my neck.
“What do you think?”
“It’s stunning. Your place is beautiful.”
His hand caresses my arm in a gentle, affectionate stroke. “I knew you’d like this too.”
“The way you keep saying that, it seems you already know me so well.”
Under his breath, a chuckle escapes. “You have an appreciation for the rare and beautiful. It’s a quality we both share.”
I turn in his arms and catch a glimpse of his smile. “You’ve outdone yourself tonight. The amazing dinner, show, now this. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re trying to seduce me, Mr. Cole.”
“And if I am?”
His intense stare stirs my growing affection for him. My head lowers as my confused emotions churn in my belly. I want to trust him, but when the last man you loved tore your heart out, it’s difficult to take the leap.
Grayson’s fingers touch my chin and raises my gaze to meet his. “You’re not over the breakup, are you?”
“We were together for two years. He betrayed me and left as though I never meant anything to him.”
Staring into my eyes, I see a shift in Grayson’s. A new emotion he hasn’t shown before. “When someone breaks your heart, Emma, you have two choices; let it weaken you or let it strengthen you. The choice is yours.”
A stray tear falls down my cheek and Grayson’s thumb wipes it away. Another follows as the pain of Derrick’s betrayal rises to the surface.
“I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I’m crying.”
Great! An incredibly amazing guy goes above and beyond to impress you and you cry over your ex right in front of him! Is this seriously happening right now?
“How about a drink?”
I nod in silence, keeping my bubbling tears at bay.
As Grayson leaves the room, I walk to his bed and collapse onto it, utterly embarrassed and struggling to compose myself. Looking up, I see the door to his bathroom and go into it, hoping to clean up my tear stained face. My jaw drops when I walk in and look to the left. There’s a large, clawfoot bathtub that faces a full glass window with the same stunning view as his bedroom. To the right is an oval, chiseled marble sink elevated from the counter, a fancy toilet, and a walk-in shower.
Moving to the sink, I grab two tissues from the box and begin cleaning the trail of mascara.
Grayson comes in and stops in the door frame, watching me as I dab tissues under my eyes.
I look at him through the mirror and even though I think I look like I got in a fight with a clown, his expression is oddly content, satisfied even.
Nervous with the way he’s looking at me, I turn my gaze to the bathtub. “It’s amazing. I think we should be roommates just so I can use it.”
“Would you like to?”
My gaze shifts to him. “Now?”
The corner of his mouth curves. “Yes, now. I’ll draw a bath for you.”
Coming into the bathroom, he hands me a short glass with clear, fizzy liquid.
“What is it?”
Approaching the bath, he turns the knobs, adjusting them to the right temperature. “Ice 101 and Sprite.”
“Thank you.” I gulp enthusiastically as I watch him, astonished that he’d do this for me. “I can’t believe you’re letting me use your bathtub.”
He leans against the tub as the water spills into it. “Will you enjoy it?”