“There she is.”
I step back, realizing I’m still within his strong arms and inches from his kissable face.
“Sorry about that. I’m Emma Williams.” Reaching my hand out, I await him to take it.
The corner of his mouth raises into the sexiest, humored smile I’ve ever seen. My vagina heats up and my heartbeat races like I’ve just run a marathon. That smile, those lips, the way his eyes crinkle and spark, are too hot for my lacy panties. What’s left of them anyway. I’m pretty sure they melted the moment my eyes had the pleasure of meeting his handsome face.
Mr. Gorgeous takes my hand, turns it, then raises, and kisses it. The touch of his warm lips against my skin sends a flutter of arousal shooting right through me. “Nice to meet you, Emma.”
Another girlish giggle slips out, embarrassing me further. “You just kissed my hand.”
A brow raises as if he is challenging me to say I didn’t like it. “I did. It felt right.”
“You’re too damn cute.”
“So are you. You want to have a drink with me when you come back out?”
“Yes.” The word races out of my mouth and my cheeks flush. Too quick, Em.
His delicious smile returns and I let out a breath. When he releases my hand, I put it back to my side, surprised at how comfortable it felt with him.
“I’ll see you at the bar. What do you like to drink?”
“A blackberry Mojito.”
“Nice choice.” He winks, then walks away, heading to the bar.
The moment he’s gone the warmth of his presence is sucked out of the air. The temperature feels cooler and my body is eager to return to him. Rushing to the bathroom, I pull my phone out of my purse and immediately text Megan. I have no shame, I pee and text.
Met hottie on way to bathroom. He is buying me a drink. Yellow shirt, gray slacks, to die for looks. Mine. All mine. ;)
When I reach the sink, my phone dings.
I see him. He’s smokin’. Get it, girl. ;)
Returning to the bar has my heart pitter-pattering with excitement. I catch his attention and his incredible smile lights up his face. As I settle onto the stool next to him, he slides my drink toward me, then turns his stool to face me.
Taking the drink in my hand, I sip the refreshing liquid and smile. “Thank you—”
“Grayson Cole,” he finishes.
My brows raise an inch. “Love your name. Grayson Cole. Sounds so sexy.”
“Well, Princess, I do like the sound of it coming from your lips.”
Warmth spreads through me and I giggle. “I like that you call me Princess.”
“Good, I like it too. So, Princess, tell me all about you.”
Swirling the tiny, red straw in my drink, I think about what to share. “How much do you want to know?”
Raising his glass to his lips, he takes a drink of what looks like whiskey or scotch, then sets his eyes on me. “Everything.”
“I’m a book agent. I live around here. I don’t have any pets. Would love a puppy, but I’m not home enough to care for it. I like having a drink with dinner. I eat out often. I’m not a great cook. Ok, maybe I’m a pretty good cook, but I like food better when I don’t have to cook it. My guilty pleasure is chocolate, bubble baths, and erotic novels. I don’t have any siblings. I love the color peach and my best friend is Megan and she’s somewhere in this club.”
Tapping his finger on his glass, he smiles and his square jaw flexes. My nipples harden against my dress and for the first time his eyes lower to my chest and then return to my eyes. “Erotic novels, huh?”
I laugh and bring my Mojito to my lips. “Is that all you got from that, Grayson?”