Leaning forward, he draws my body to his. Raising his hand, he swipes a loose hair and places it behind my ear. The smell of his cologne assaults my senses and I close my eyes breathing in his rich, incredible scent. My lip slides between my teeth and I open my eyes to his gaze steady on me.
“I heard every bit and, Emma Williams, I’m completely intrigued. Would you like to dance with me?”
“Yes,” the word slips out of my mouth dripping with sexual desire.
Taking my hand, he leads me onto the dance floor and I slide into his arms as he wraps them around my waist, putting his chest to my back. Not only is Grayson sexy as fuck, he has moves. Moves that make my body ignite, creating sparks of arousal detonating at my core. His breath is hot on my ear as he whispers, “You smell incredible and feel even better.”
A bulge is tight against my ass and I push back against him. Too many drinks and my desire has me thinking about where I’d like that bulge to end up. With those wicked thoughts flashing through my mind, he turns me to face him, and his lips claim mine. His tongue diving in and out between my lips has me so turned on I want to climb him, here, now, in front of all the people in the club. Sensing my need, he leads me off the dance floor, pins me to the nearest wall and continues his mouth fucking.
Pulling away, he takes a breath. “Emma, this is incredibly pretentious of me, but I want to take you home with me. I think you want it too.”
Biting my lip, I debate; be shameless and give into my desires or slow this train before it’s speeding too fast for me. Fuck it. I deserve to have an incredibly hot man make love to me, one who wants me as much as I want him. “Let’s go.”
Grayson takes my hand, pulling me through the crowd. Anticipation builds in my gut as we near the exit. I’m dizzy with lust and my body is warm with intense desire. Stepping out the doors, the summer heat hits me like a tidal wave. Nausea churns in my stomach. No, no, please no, don’t be sick. My hand goes to my mouth and I turn away from Grayson. I attempt to make a mad dash back inside and I curl over. Won’t be making it anywhere. I throw up into the grassy area by the doors, horrified by what just happened. I’m quickly made aware of Grayson’s presence by the sound of his voice asking me if I’m okay. I open my eyes and see black shoes covered in little bits of spatter. Here you go. This is where it happens.
This. Is. Not. My. Finest. Moment.
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry,” I squeak out, more embarrassed than I’ve ever felt in my life.
Grayson places his hand on my back and rubs gently. “Don’t worry about it. They’re just shoes.”
I can’t even look at him. Standing up straight, I wipe my mouth and then as gracefully as possible, I turn to face him. His expression is empathetic, not at all horrified like I am. Any recovery from this is impossible.
“I think I need to find Megan and call it a night.”
“I understand. Let me see your phone.”
Pulling it out of my purse, I hand it to him. He plugs his number in and hands it back to me. “Call me soon.”
Grayson walks me back inside and when I see Megan, I point to her. “There she is. I’m gonna let her know I’m heading home. Thanks for a great night.”
With a kiss to my cheek, he smiles, then leaves the club.
I rush to Megan sitting at the bar, talking to a good-looking redhead—her favorite type—and bury my face into her shoulder. She pats my cheek. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m gonna head home.”
“Why? What happened?”
Nodding to her male friend, I give a friendly smile, then turn to face her. “I’ll explain later. Have a good rest of your night. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Her bottom lip juts out. “Ok, babe. You sure?”
I nod. “Yeah, for sure. Thanks for coaxing me out.” Waving, I head outside.
Once out the door, I avoid the disaster area that coils my stomach just thinking about it and pull out my phone to call a cab. Arrangements are made and as I hang up a larger man bumps into me when he opens the club door for the woman accompanying him. My body jolts forward and my phone goes flying through the air and smashes on the ground.
The man doesn’t even apologize. Just disappears inside without a word. Disgruntled, I quickly pick up my phone. Turning it over reveals a shattered screen. I try to turn it on and nothing. Tears prickle my eyes. With a heavy breath, I shove my phone back into my purse and fight back the returning nausea as I wait for the cab.
Chapter Two
A month later, I’m sitting at my office desk, nibbling on my red pen as I read through a super hot sex scene from a book submission called, She Likes It Hot. Well, yes, this girl does. My legs are tight together; I’m getting all hot and bothered reading this scene and totally wishing I was home, alone, with my vibrator.
This past month I’ve daydreamed one too many times about Grayson Cole. Because life likes to torture me, I was never able to call him. I had to replace my phone and any new contacts that had been added since my last backup were gone. I tried to Facebook stalk Grayson with no success. Who doesn’t have a Facebook nowadays? I thought it was mandatory for anyone under thirty-five.