Page 228 of Deep Pockets

“I’m not sure that would help me reminisce,” I said. “I’ve never even had one.”

“You’ve never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”

“Can’t say I have.”

“What kind of kid goes through childhood without trying peanut butter and jelly?”

“I don’t know, it was never in my lunch. Maybe our chef wasn’t fond of it.” Now I was just rubbing my money in her face. She wasn’t going to accept my invitation if I acted like a complete ass.

She bit her lip. “We have to fix that immediately.” She pulled a paper bag out of her purse. “Here.”

“I’m not eating that.”

“I’m a good cook.”

“I’m not sure cooking has anything to do with making that.”

“Which is probably for the best. Because I’m not really a good cook.”

I laughed. “If I try this contraption, do I get anything in return?”

“The delicious taste?”

“How about you owe me a favor?” I took a big bite.

“Wait! I didn’t agree to that.”

“Too late,” I said, with my mouth still full. Hell, it was actually pretty good. Sweet and savory at the same time. Just like her.

“I don’t owe you a favor.”

“Actually you do, baby.”

“God.” She rolled her eyes at me. “You’re incredibly immature.”

“Said the girl who just rolled her eyes at me.”

She sighed. “Touché. Did you like it?”

“It’s actually really good.”

“See!” She smiled at me. “There’s a break room around the corner if you want to go sit down and eat.”

I was perched on the side of her desk, staring down at her. “This is good. I have to get a feel for your desk anyway.”


“Well, I’m sure we’ll eventually break in here at night and make love on it. Since you’re into office hookups and all.”

“Make love?” She lowered her eyebrows slightly. “Have you ever used those two words together?”

“What, you don’t think I’m capable of making sweet, sweet love?”

She laughed. “You said you were anything but gentle.”

“When I’m fucking.”

“So you don’t want to fuck me anymore?” Her face instantly turned red and she glanced behind her to see if anyone had overheard her. They hadn’t. Just me. And she looked disappointed. Like the only thing keeping her in the city was the idea of me fucking her.