Perfect. I couldn’t help but smile. “So you do want me to fuck you?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You implied it.”
“I told you that I was attracted to you.”
I was getting excited by how much she wanted me. I really could take her to the copy room right now. And I wouldn’t mind having a printout of that ass. “What happened to taking things slow? Are you making it hard for me on purpose?”
She glanced down at my lap for just a second. She was trying to see if I was hard. I liked how much she seemed to fight with herself. When she finally unwound it was going to be intense. And I couldn’t wait to be on the other side of all that passion. But that had to wait until Saturday night. Not right this second, despite how much the want was written on her face.
“So am I the worst or the best?” I asked.
“You called me both earlier. So which is it?”
“A combination?”
“Well, is the urge to kiss me or spank me greater?”
Her lips parted slightly.
“Or maybe you’re the one that likes being spanked?”
“I don’t…”
“Don’t you though?” I leaned down so that my lips were beside her ear. “Do you want me to spank you in the copy room? Or maybe you want to skip the foreplay and go right to the main event?”
Her throat made a small squeaking sound.
“Rain check. I have to get back.” I placed a kiss on her flushed cheek. It was warm against my lips. And soft. I had to resist the urge to do it again. I wasn’t even supposed to be touching her, let alone kissing her.
Chapter Thirty-Three
“What about that one?” I pointed to a red dress on a mannequin. The mannequin wasn’t nearly as curvy as Bee. She would look absolutely amazing in it. And it was perfect for the gala. It wouldn’t look too bad on the floor of my bedroom either.
“Why the hell are we here again?” asked my brother, Matt, leaning against one of the display cases.
“I told you.”
“You don’t usually do this to get laid. What does she have on you?”
“If you ask me, you like her,” he said.
“I don’t like her. I just want her.”
Matt crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You’re right. You don’t like her. You like her like her.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s the step between like and love.”
I laughed. I didn’t fall in love. And Bee certainly wasn’t going to be the girl that made me change my ways. “I have no idea why I asked for your help. She’ll look good in anything. This dress is perfect.”