“You idiot! I can’t plan a wedding in three months!” She placed her hand on her forehead and walked out the sliding door.

I ran after her as she made her way down the beach.

“Babe, I—”

“Don’t you ‘babe’ me, Conner Kind!” she shouted. “Three months?” She stopped, turned around, and faced me as we stood in the sand.

“Jackson and Georgia planned their wedding in five months, Charlotte. It can be done.”

“That’s two months longer!” Her hands were flying in the air. “Do you have any concept of what it takes to plan a wedding? Three months isn’t enough time! There’s the matter of asking the girls to be my bridesmaids, the save the date cards, invitations, the flowers, the cake, your ring, my wedding dress, the bridesmaid's dresses, hair, makeup, shoes, picking the menu, getting the wedding favors, seating charts, the DJ, photographer, our honeymoon and whatever else I’m forgetting. And if the people we want aren’t available, then we’re faced with having to look for someone else because you thought it was a good idea to book a venue three months out instead of a freaking year!”

I looked over at Christian and Nathan, who watched us on their patios. Nathan was holding up his phone, and I knew damn well he was recording this.

“If it makes you feel any better, I reserved the date with Gwen.”

“Who the hell is Gwen?!” she shouted.

“The cake lady. You know she makes the best cakes.”



I was livid with him. How the hell did he think we would pull off the perfect wedding in less than three months? Especially with our jobs.

“Can you please just calm down for a minute?” he asked. “Please, Charlotte.” He cautiously walked towards me. “I love you too damn much to wait a year to make you my wife. When I went with Jackson to the hotel so he could pay the final balance for his reception, I casually asked what dates they had available. Mr. Russo said they had just had a cancellation that day for September 2nd. I didn’t even think twice about it, babe. And you know why? Because you are the most important person in my life. I love our relationship and living together, but I want you to become Mrs. Charlotte Roman-Kind as soon as possible. I want to call you my wife.” He slowly extended his hand to me. I inhaled a sharp breath and reluctantly placed my hand in his. “We got this, babe. You and me. I’m all in with this wedding stuff. In fact, I’ll take over the entire planning.” A smile fell upon his lips. “The last thing I want is for you to stress out over what’s supposed to be the happiest day of our lives. It’s only stressful if you let it be, and I won’t let you do it alone. Nope.” He shook his head. “It’s you and me against the world, babe. As I said, we got this, and no obstacle or hurdle will stop us from planning our perfect wedding in three months. I love you, babe.”

“I love you too, Conner, but I’m still mad at you.”

He let go of my hand, wrapped his arms around me, and hugged me tight.

“Woohoo!” Nathan and Christian shouted as they clapped.

“Think of it as an adventure.”

“I hope we don’t kill each other on our ‘adventure.’” I smirked as I broke our embrace.

“If that happens, at least we’ll go together.” He grinned as he hooked his arm around me, and we headed back to the house.

“Glad to see you didn’t kill him, Charlotte,” Christian shouted.

“Yeah. I’m happy I still have three brothers.” Nathan smiled.

“I can’t make any promises. I still might end up killing him before the wedding.”

I heard the ringing of my phone when we stepped inside the house. Grabbing it from the island, I saw Georgia was Facetiming me.

“Hey, you.” I smiled. “I’m happy to see you two made it to Greece.”

“Georgia sunshine.” Conner grinned. “Where’s my brother?”

“He’s in the bathroom. Are you okay?” A smirk crossed her lips. “Nathan sent us the video.”

“Of course, that douchebag did,” Conner spoke. “I’m fine.”

“I wasn’t asking you, Conner.” She laughed.

“Can you please go away so I can talk to my future sister-in-law?” I arched my brow at him.