“Fine. I’m going over to Nathan’s to kick his ass.” He shook his head as he walked out the sliding door.

“Can you believe he did that?” I sat on the stool at the island.

“You have no idea how badly I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t.”

“I know. Don’t sweat it. I’m fine. Conner is Conner, and I love him, flawed and all.”

Georgia laughed. “I sent the guest list with the addresses to your email. I know you need them right now.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it. Will you do me the honor of being one of my bridesmaids?”

“You know I will.” A grin crossed her lips.

The sliding door opened, and Jenni walked in.

“Oh, is that Georgia?” she asked. “Hi, Georgia! I hope you’re honeymooning it up!”

“We are. I’ll let you go. Jackson just emerged from the bathroom, and we’re going to grab something to eat and see the sights of Greece. I love you girls, and I’ll Facetime you later.”

“Bye, Georgia,” Jenni and I spoke.

“You have no idea how badly I wanted to run down the beach and cheer you on, but Shaun wouldn’t let me.”

“I appreciate it.” I laughed.

“Anyway, there’s something I have to show you.” She set her sketchpad on the island.

“Is that what I think it is?” The corners of my mouth curved upward.

“It is.” She grinned as she opened it, and I saw beautiful sketches of a wedding dress.

“Oh my gosh, Jenni. It’s gorgeous.”

“I already had it designed a few months ago. I also have Sofia’s and Charleigh’s dresses designed if those stupid boys will ever pop the question.”

“How did you know that’s exactly what I envisioned?” I asked.

“Well, I know you, and it’s what I do. I know what will and won’t look right on you.”

“Have I ever told you that you are the most talented person I have ever met?” I smiled as I hugged her.

“Maybe a few times.” She laughed. “Also.” She flipped the page of her sketchbook. “What do you think?”

“Oh my gosh. I love that design.”

“The over-the-shoulder train is removable, and we can rip it off after the ceremony.” She grinned.

“It’s so elegant. Yes. I want that for my beautiful bridesmaids.” I smiled. “And I love the color blush.”

“Perfect color for September. Oh my God, I’m going to look like a beached whale wearing this.” She bit her bottom lip. “I better make sure I order extra fabric.”

“You are going to glow and look stunning in that dress.”

“Feel a little better now that you have your dress and the bridesmaid dresses picked out?” she asked.

“I do. Thank you, Jenni.” I hugged her.

“You know I always have your back, sister. I have to go. We’ll talk later.”