“And this is why,” Thayer says in a low voice to me, “we should’ve hired another manager.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve received my messages?” Thayer asks someone. No answer to my question, then.

“Yes, sir. Of course, sir.”


We turn to leave and begin walking at a rapid pace, and I get the distinct impression he wants to get me out of here as fast as he can, but he still has business to tend to.

“And sir?”

Thayer doesn’t slow his pace at all. “Yes?”

“We’ve prepared everything you asked us to for your ten o’clock meeting tomorrow.”

We come to such a sudden, screeching halt, I would have stumbled if he didn’t brace me against him with an arm around my waist.

“Excuse me?”

That tone of his voice sends another shiver down my spine. I imagine whoever he’s talking to has backed up against a wall.

“Your guests, sir?”

Thayer’s still beside me. “I didn’t invite any guests. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He curses under his breath.

“We received a message this morning, requesting the security and privacy of room two. We’ve temporarily asked all willing servants to relocate to the playroom.”

My. Head. Is. Spinning.

Willing servants?

The playroom?

“Is that right?” Thayer asks in a low voice. “One minute, please.”

He shifts, and I hear the gentle rustle of clothes. I imagine he’s looking for his phone. It’s strange standing here in the dark like this.

“Let me look into this,” he finally says. “Thank you for updating me. I’m sorry there’s been a change of plans, but I appreciate your attention to this matter. It must’ve slipped my mind.”

I don’t believe him. He’s lying. Thayer is too much of a perfectionist to forget something like this.

They continue their conversation and finally, he says goodbye.

We walk past a room with muffled voices. Another where a warm rush of air, scented like warmed vanilla, kisses my skin before we move past. It seems we’re walking down a hall of sorts.

We come to a stop. I hear a beep as he pushes what must be an elevator button, and seconds later, the rush of opening doors.


A woman’s voice makes him stop. I feel him turning around. His grip on me slackens.

“Camille.” I wish I could see his face. His tone is hard to read.

“How are you?” she asks.

Camille… oh my God, if that’s the model Camille…

I can’t be jealous. I shouldn’t be jealous. I need to shut off the part of my brain that’s justifying my jealousy.

Instead of answering, he asks her an odd question. “Why are you out here unescorted? Didn’t they read you the rules?”

“I’m alone,” she says in a breathy whisper.

Oh, ew. Are we playing that game?



“I know,” she says, in a tone that would melt butter, “it’s hard for you to believe that I don’t have an escort, isn’t it? But some of us like being free,” she continues. “And who’s your blindfolded guest? She looks… lovely.”

The tone of her voice says she does not think I look lovely at all. I suddenly remember my tousled hair, the torn and rumpled clothing that’s been through hell and back.

“She’s exactly what you said. My guest.”

“Ah, no name?”

I half expect him to say my name is Slave X or something.

“If you’ll excuse us, we’ve had a long day and are looking forward to a good night’s sleep.”

“Oh, of course. Don’t let me be rude and hold you up.” Even blindfolded—maybe especially blindfolded—I note the biting edge to her tone. “Enjoy your evening, both of you. Au revoir!”

Her heels click on the floor as she leaves.

“Motherfucker,” he mutters under his breath. “I am going to kill him. Seriously, kill him.”

Who? What?

I could write a book with the number of questions I have right about now.

I press my lips together and gesture to my lips.

The air’s heavy with foreboding as he draws closer to me.

“Yes,” he snaps. “Still not talking. Go ahead, love. Try me.” My insides clench even as my heart thunders. Dread washes through me when I realize he’s looking for a reason to punish me.

Oh, well then. Apparently, he’s looking for a reason to punish me.

Why do I like it when he calls me love? He doesn’t mean it. I’m confident he’s only being sarcastic.

Not sure how I feel about the threat. To say I have mixed feelings would be an understatement.

He leads me forward, and when I hear the sliding doors of an elevator again, I imagine we’ve made it inside. We begin going upward.

I have so many questions, and I’m not quite sure it’s right that he thinks he can punish me… but he’s also the one with the major advantage here.

In other words, I’m not gonna rock this boat.

Yet, anyway.

If Thayer Gerard thinks he can boss me around without consequence, then do I ever have a surprise for him. This girl is no pushover. And while being overpowered and dominated by him—and yes, maybe even punished—might appeal to me on some base, primal level, I won’t forget who I am. What I’ve been through.