What I want.

And I will not just roll over and beg like a well-trained dog.

I don’t care how hot he is. I don’t care that he’s rich, and that deep down inside, a part of me craves his protection. I’ve been alone for a very long time, and even though I like having control over my own life… it gets lonely.

So I don’t care who he is or what he does. This whole slave thing might be a part of the disguise I’ll use to save my life… but that’s all this is. A cloak to hide me. Trickery. Playacting.

No one is safe from a man like Thayer. Especially me.

“I’m putting you in a suite,” he says.

That sounds promising.

I want to ask if I’ll be alone or if he’ll join me, but I don’t want to sound too eager. And honestly, I’m not even sure I want him to be with me.

I might want him in the moment—just like I might stress-eat a box of chocolates all by myself—but will it be worth it in the morning?

Will I have to lose too much of myself to really stay safe?

Is safety only an illusion?



I don’t trust that things are going as planned.

Someone fucked up. Maybe even played me.

I didn’t call for a meeting. I have no guests arriving. I don’t forget things like that.

So I’m distracted when I lead Savannah to the private suite I’ve planned to take her to.

“Hey,” Savannah whispers.

I sigh. I will never bring this girl out in public again without a gag. She’s going to end up over my knee before she goes to bed tonight.

“What did I tell you about talking?” I say in a low voice. “Is this an emergency?”

“Does having to pee qualify as an emergency?” she asks, tipping her head adorably even while blindfolded.

I grit my teeth. “Do you have to use the bathroom?”

“Well, no, but I wondered.”

“Savannah.” She flinches as if I struck her.

“Why do you talk to me like that?” she hisses.

“Like what?”

“Like you’re scolding me as if I’m a child.”

“Because you’re acting like a child,” I hiss back.

Her jaw drops as if she’s shocked. “I am not! That isn’t true.”

I’m in a club that I own and manage. I’m a well-respected dominant and master, who’s just brought in a woman masquerading as my slave. If she makes anyone suspect that she isn’t truly my slave, she’ll put herself in danger. It’s a red flag.

I could punish her right here. I could take my belt to her ass and make her obey. I will, but now isn’t the time. Right now, I need her to stop talking. And if she won’t obey me on her own, I’ll have to make her.

I pause long enough to untie her hands, but only so I can remove her top.


I flick it over her head, twist it into a rope, then loop it around her mouth. With her hands free, she slaps at my arms to stop me. I restrain her wrists and pull them behind her back. When they’re secured, I bend her over my knee and give her a handful of good, hard spanks.

“The next time you raise your hand to me, I’ll bare your ass before I punish you,” I say, nice and loud for anyone nearby to hear.

I stand her upright, fully aware of her protests mumbled under the gag as I drag her along.

We need privacy, and now. It’s been a long, long night and neither of us is in the mood to drag this out any longer than it needs to be.

The right thing to do would be to put her in a suite under high security, with monitors and a team of guards.

I don’t always do the right thing. Hell, I rarely do the right thing.

I open the door while she chatters on and on behind the gag. I shut and lock it. With decades of experience under my belt, I would’ve thought I could handle her protests better than I have.

I let her get under my skin.

I scan the room and make a call.

“I want six guards stationed outside my suite.”

“Yes, sir. Of course, sir.”

I hang up the phone. It’s not out of the ordinary that we have a high-profile guest. It’s one of the reasons why Le Luxe is so exclusive and profitable. We charge a premium for security and anonymity, including having well-equipped guards available at a moment’s notice. The public playrooms have guards in every corner, and we screen our clients so carefully, we’ve never had so much as a single incident of misconduct.

I let out a breath. Finally.

We’re alone.

I imagined this.

Savannah tied up and ready for my use. At my command. Ready to be mastered.

Only in my fantasy, she was here because she wanted to be, not spitting mad like a feral cat.

“We’re alone now. This room is soundproof and remote. We have guards stationed outside. You’re safe.”