With thoughts of her heavy on my heart, I straightened and turned to Sebastian. He stood at the foot of Emme’s sleigh bed, his eyes already on me.

He closed the distance between us and leaned in, his thumb tracing my jawline. “Thank you for today. It’s the first time I’ve seen her happy since the accident.”

A shudder whispered through me at his touch. “She was happy because you were with her today. Apart from you, she doesn’t have anything familiar. You’re the only thing that connects her to her past.

“I don’t know how to be a parent. I can give her things her mother and I never had, safety, comfort, a roof she’ll never be scared of losing, but I don’t know how to love. This is why I work so much. I’m driven by money because at least when everything else goes to shit, I know I’ll never be on the street. I don’t want Emme to go through what her mom and I did.”

I staggered back as if his words had punched me directly in the face. “The thing is, Sebastian, no kid should have to struggle. Children should have more than their basic survival needs met. Children need love, laughter, and joy. They need their souls fueled as much as their bodies.”

His smile was sexy yet distant, as if he was trying to mask the emotions he’d let slip moments ago. “Good thing you were there to give her a fun day.”

“But what happens when I’m no longer here?”

He took two quick strides as I took four back, bumping against the wall behind me. He pressed his massive chest to mine, and his eyes glinted with mischief as he brushed the rough pad of his thumb along my bottom lip. “Guess I’m gonna have to make sure you never leave.”

My thighs worked back and forth softly while my gaze was trained on his lips. I imagined how soft and full they’d feel against mine while he caged me in, making me feel small, protected, and feminine compared to his hard masculinity.

“I owe you one,” he mumbled, lips hovering over mine. “Or two.”

My heart thundered in my ears as he caressed my cheekbone. My chest heaved with my ragged breaths, and my lips parted. The energy between us was palpable when he was in my space like this. I was so on edge with desire, he might as well be touching me everywhere.

He leaned in, licked his lips, and dusted the faintest feather-soft kiss at the corner of my lips.

His kiss was over as quickly as it had started when he whispered, “Good night, Twinkle Toes,” and turned around and walked out.

Chapter Four


“This ice-keem is so yummy, Seebass.”

“So yummy you got it all over your nose,” Sarena said as she wiped Emme’s face.

We’d just finished her third session with Dr. Wentworth, one of the leading child psychologists in the United States, specializing in grief. Emme liked him, and Sarena appeared to be in love with him.

When I’d told Sarena that Dr. Wentworth would be seeing Emme, she’d gone all googly-eyed. But what shocked me was how jealous I got. I didn’t like how she hung on his every word and batted her lashes at him.

“He’s too old for you,” I blurted as we got to my apartment.

“Excuse me?”

“He’s what? Fifty?”

“Sebastian, what are you talking about?”

“Emme’s shrink. He’s too old.”

“I’m well aware of how old he is. But what the heck does that have to do with me?”

“You were doing that thing girls do.”

Sarena ushered Emme into the elevator before tilting her head at me. “What thing?”

“Smiling. You were very attentive. And you blinked a lot.”

“So I was being polite?”

I squinted at her. “You know full well you weren’t just being polite.”

She leaned against the elevator wall and folded her arms over her chest. The action pushed her tits up, making them appear massive, and my cock throbbed in my pants. “That wasn’t just being polite.”

The elevator door opened. Sarena picked Emme up and pushed past me. “I have no idea why you’re acting so crazy. But for an attorney, you’re being illogical.”

“What do you see in him? He’s not even good-looking.”

Sarena didn’t stop, carrying on down the hall to Emme’s room.

“Rena, I’m sleepy,” Emme whispered. Her eyes closed as her head hit the pillow.

I knew I was being insane, but the idea of Sarena being interested in another man made me irrational. I’d never had these kinds of emotions about another woman. In the past, if I thought a woman was interested in someone else, she’d be out of my life in a flash. I didn’t wait for the ink to dry before I was balls-deep in another chick. But this girl—I wasn’t even fucking her, yet my every waking thought was about her.

I was about to dig into her when she placed her index finger on my lips and pushed at my chest with her other hand. “Keep your mouth shut until we’re out of Emme’s room.”