“No, but parents dying sure is.”

My gaze traveled from his ticking jaw and clenched fist to Emme’s little legs dangling and her head tipped back, watching us with wide eyes. As much as I wanted to tear into Sebastian, I didn’t want to scare Emme. She’d already been through so much, and if I could fill her days with laughter and joy, I would. It didn’t matter how much his words hurt me; she was more important.

“Let’s fly, Emme,” I said as I pushed the swing, refusing to glance at Sebastian.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, you shouldn’t have. I used to skip school with my girlfriends and hang out at the boathouse on sunny afternoons. They served us mimosas because we had fake IDs then.”

I didn’t know why I blurted out that story. I hadn’t thought about it for years, but I wanted to de-escalate the situation and salvage the afternoon for Emme. It seemed like Sebastian barely spent any time with her as it was.

Sebastian’s eyes shot up. “You? A bad girl, huh? I can’t picture it.”

I shrugged. “Rebel at heart, ya know? You met Elis—rebellion runs in our veins.”

“Sounds like you have more stories to tell,” he teased, bumping my shoulder lightly.

“I’ll never tell ’em.”

We laughed, and the deep tone of his vocals radiated through my bloodstream like a drug. He looked so good when he eased up and laughed a little. It’d taken me two days of Emme and me pleading and one grueling day at the office on Saturday, but by the time Sunday hit, we’d convinced Sebastian not to work like he’d wanted and spend the day with us instead. We’d already been to the children’s museum this afternoon, had a quick lunch from a food truck, and were now ending the day across the street from Sebastian’s building in the park.

Call me crazy, but getting him unplugged from work to spend time with his precious niece was worth the fight, even if I had to swallow my pride.

I hadn’t said it that first night when he’d eaten dinner late, but I’d been thinking it: what about Emme? Who would teach her to cook, read bedtime stories, and ensure she never ran into a stray penguin? I couldn’t be there for her for the next fifteen years. I loved this job and was so grateful to have it, but it wasn’t long-term. My long-term plans were to finish my degree and work with teens, helping heal some of their trauma. Then, I’d head to graduate school in three or four years.

“I sleepy, Sarena. I done swingin’.” Emme’s tired little voice pulled me from my thoughts.

“Okay, sweetheart. Shall we head home?”

She looked up at me and yawned widely.

“How about a ride home, Emme?” Sebastian scooped her into his arms.

Emme giggled hysterically. I tickled the underside of her knees before she finally calmed and nuzzled into Sebastian’s chest.

“Night, night, Seebas.”

Sebastian’s forearms tensed softly, and his step faltered as we walked across Park Avenue toward his building. “She’s so small. I think I forgot how delicate she is. She’s tiny in a world that must seem scary. Chloe used to be this small.” His voice was thick with emotion.

I rubbed his tattooed bicep. “She’s lucky to have you to protect her.”

As we reached his building, Sebastian nodded at the doorman. His eyes lit up when he saw the sleeping baby girl in Sebastian’s arms.

“Precious angel. Looks like you all had a big day,” he said quietly, waving as we passed.

“It was a perfect day.” Sebastian smiled at him. When we reached the elevators, he punched his floor button and said, “It was a perfect day because of you, Sarena.”

I stood silently, unused to attention or praise from a man, especially one who’d called me entitled and out of touch not too long ago. He didn’t use those words exactly, but that was what he’d meant.

When the elevator arrived, we stepped in. My heart thundered in my ears as I thought about how his hands might feel around my waist, swallowing up my skin with his broad palms and hot kisses. There went my self-respect. Throw a little attention my way, and my legs were ready to part like the Red Sea.

The elevator dinged to a stop. Sebastian stepped out first, and I bit back a groan at the sight of his perfectly round, hard ass.

“I’m going to tuck this one into bed,” he murmured.

“I want Rena to tuck me in too.” Emme’s tiny hand shot into the air.

I stifled a laugh and ruffled her hair. “I’m right behind you, sweet girl.”

Sebastian didn’t bother to slip Emme into pajamas. He removed her little boots before nestling her into bed and kissing her forehead softly.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a long hug before she requested me. I leaned in, hugging Emme fiercely. She’d lost her parents mere weeks ago, but she’d already lit up my life with her big personality in the three days I’d known her.