“Okay.” He grinned in relief like he’d been holding his breath, waiting for my agreement.

I turned, avoiding the icy patch that had nearly taken me out earlier, when Sebastian Vaughn’s warm hand found my wrist and stopped me. “Sarena?”


“I look forward to seeing you tonight when I get home.”

My stomach dropped, and the reality of what I’d signed up for settled in.

I might have walked into a world of trouble in the shape of New York City’s sexiest attorney.

Heaven help me.

Chapter Two


“Smells like heaven in here,” I said as I walked into my usually messy apartment.

It was now pristine, not one errant toy on the ground or Emme going ballistic, running up the walls like a rabid animal. The lights were dimmed, a fire was burning with soft embers in the fireplace, and the smell of home cooking filled the air.

“Oh, hey there. I just put Emme to sleep.” Sarena caught me by surprise when she appeared in my hallway barefoot with my apron wrapped around her waist.

I swallowed, unused to having anyone in my home, especially someone so pretty and so damn young. My eyes traveled down her frame to her pert tits before I dropped my eyes to avoid giving myself a damn boner.

“She’s the sweetest, Mr. Vaughn. We made cookies this afternoon, she helped with dinner, had a bath before bed, and we read a book.” A smile curved her full lips.

“That’s great.” I set my briefcase and laptop on the desk before slipping off my shoes. “What did you make for dinner? I don’t think this place has ever smelled so good.”

Her grin widened, and I followed her as she padded down the hallway toward the aromatic smell. “Vegetable ratatouille and crusty French garlic bread with sun-ripened tomatoes. Emme had two helpings. She can put it away.”

I shook my head, unable to keep the awe from my face. I thought she’d say meatloaf or spaghetti. I wasn’t expecting this. “You’re a magician.”

Sarena waved off my compliment before spooning a generous helping of the still-steaming ratatouille into a bowl. “My brother, Elis, used to cook with me all the time. He’s amazing. He stopped cooking a few years ago. He’s going through, well…” She paused and averted her gaze as if she was talking too much.

“Please, keep talking. It’s nice to hear someone else’s voice in the house.” I took my first bite, humming with the sheer delight of the vegetables and tomato sauce on my taste buds. I shoveled another bite between my lips before she smiled softly and continued talking.

“My maternal grandmother is French, so our family doesn’t suffer from bad food.” She shrugged, setting down a plate of tiny mint-colored macarons.

“Wow, impressive, Ms. Brooks.” My gaze went from the pillowy French cookies to her slight form. “Remarkable.”

“Oh, gosh. I forgot I even still had this on.” She looked down at my black and white checked apron and untied the strings with fumbling fingers.

“It looks good on you. Wear it as much as you want.”

“I’ll make sure I wash it first thing in the morning,” she said as she fought with a knot in the apron string. The checkered fabric looped around her ankles as she twisted.

“Allow me.” I waved her over.

She crossed to me slowly. Just as she was within distance, the end of one of the strings caught on the cupboard door, and she pitched forward.

I caught her easily. Her hip pressed against my thigh, warm and soft, making me very hard, very fast.

“Easy there, Twinkle Toes.” I couldn't hide the edge in my voice.

My reaction to her was no longer under my control, and I hated it. I didn’t like complications. I didn’t like things in disarray and hated that this pretty young thing was turning my controlled world into chaos.

“Didn’t know I’d be catching you every day when I offered you the job.”

Warmth pulsed up her cheeks before she righted herself, standing silently as I untangled the knots and freed her from the apron strings.

A grin shot across my face as I thought about tying her up with it, her body arched and bent in beautiful ways as she looked at me with those big brown eyes and…

“I’m so clumsy. I’m sorry.” Her embarrassed words interrupted my thoughts.

“I got that impression when I hired you,” I said offhand before I thought again and softened my reply. “Any guy would be lucky to have you falling into his arms every day.”

She shifted, and the hollow of her throat moved softly as she hummed and pressed her lips together. She settled on the barstool across from me at the island. I wished she’d sat at the one by my side, but tangling with a tiger wasn’t recommended, especially a beautiful one with flared hips perfect for my hands to sink into while I…

“Do you cook often?” Her voice crashed into my head.