“Three.” He sighed. “The most savage three-year-old I’ve ever met.”
“Savage, huh?” I smiled and shook my head. “She sounds like a typical child.”
He didn’t smile. His eyes were filled with concern. “You’ll have your hands full with this one. If you still want the job, it’s yours—and I’ll pay whatever salary you want. I just need someone I trust to raise her.”
“Raise her?” My heart broke. The man was talking about his kid as if she were an inconvenience. What an asshole. Now I wanted the job because this kid needed someone to give a damn about her.
I was about to give him a piece of my mind when I noticed how concerned he appeared. Maybe it was stress, but there were shadows under his weary eyes I hadn’t noticed earlier.
“I took the liberty of doing a background check on you. The Prices are one of my closest clients, and I trust their word more than anything, so you’ve been vouched for and vetted. I didn’t feel comfortable placing an ad in the classifieds section and letting anyone in Emme’s life—she’s a hellion, but she’s been through a lot. She needs stability, someone who can be there for her, and right now, I’m not that person.”
“So…I’m sorry, I know this is a full-time position, but what hours do you need me for?”
“All of them,” he answered frankly, his eyes clinging to mine like he was as desperate for me to say yes as I was for this job.
“All of them?” I squeaked.
“All twenty-four. My work schedule is overbooked as it is. Some nights, I can’t be home until long after she’s in bed. I’m not opposed to hiring a tutor to school her when the time comes, but—”
“I can do that.” I hadn’t even met this kid, and I was already invested. I knew what it was like to be abandoned by your father. For him to choose God knows what over you. At least I had my mother and Elis. This sweet soul had no one. “I’m going to school for early childhood development and education. I haven’t narrowed my focus yet, but I’d love to teach her if that’s something you’ll need.”
He finally seemed to relax for the first time in the few minutes we’d been talking. He leaned forward on his elbows, and my eyes landed on the tattoos snaking along his forearm and the back of his hand. “Well, Ms. Brooks, it looks like I’m in desperate need of you.” He stood, pulling out my chair. “I’m glad this little meeting went so well. Forgive me for rushing out, but the meeting I have scheduled is with my biggest client, and while you may find being late acceptable, I do not.”
His grin cast to the side in the cockiest way and made me want to punch him.
“The code to my apartment is 042317. Here’s my address.” He texted me his address swiftly, and the message instantly popped up on my phone. “I’ve already told the doorman to expect you, so you shouldn't have a problem getting in.”
“Wait. You want me to start today?”
“Right now, as a matter of fact.” His eyebrows arched. “Is that a problem?”
“No, I guess not. I just wasn’t prepared.”
“It seems there are many things you weren’t prepared for today.” Arrogance laced his words as he escorted me back through the doors we’d entered a few minutes before. “My apartment is around the corner. It should only take you a few minutes to walk there. I’ve told the sitter she’s with to give you a tour, but then you’re free to relieve her. Emme will feel more comfortable with someone a little closer to her age to hang out with all day.”
“Closer in age? How old is your current sitter?”
“Let’s just say Emme has been enjoying I Love Lucy reruns with the little old lady in the apartment downstairs.”
“You left her watching I Love Lucy reruns?”
“Didn’t I say this was dire? There’s no perfect time for taking on someone else’s child. Forgive me if I’m behind the eight ball on this one.”
“Haven’t you had the stranger danger talk with her? She doesn't even know me.”
Sebastian Vaughn pushed a hand through his hair. “You ask a lot of questions, you know that?”
“Uh…” I frowned at his harsh tone. “Safety first?”
His grin ticked to the side, lightening the mood between us a little. “Listen, Emme will love you. You’re soft and sweet and motherly. You’re just what she needs, not BENGAY and hard-boiled eggs in the afternoon. I’m sorry to unload all of this on you. I promise we’ll discuss this as soon as I have more time. Until then, I’d appreciate it if you would stop with the hundred and one questions and get to work.”
I adjusted my bag on my shoulder, my gaze moving down Madison Avenue as the noise of the city hummed around us. “Okay.”