“That’s my good girl.” He stepped to the end of the table. He didn’t stroke her folds or bring her to orgasm. Instead, he put her diaper on and fed her legs into her jammies. When he had them tugged up under her bottom, he finally released her waist and wrists, helped her sit upright, and finished dressing her.

Annie was relieved to be covered but couldn’t stop the tears that kept falling. She swiped at them with her fingers.

Finally, Theo lifted her into his arms again and carried her to the rocking chair. He settled in it as usual but rolled her against his chest this time, patting her back and her bottom while he rocked. He didn’t immediately offer her a bottle, nor did he give her a pacifier.

Annie buried her face in his shoulder and kept her eyes closed. She forced herself to take deep breaths and let them out slowly even though her lungs filled with his scent.

Theo rubbed her back and kissed her temple. “I think I can guess why you’re angry.”

She flinched. Could he? She doubted it.

He kissed her neck next. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to spend more time with you. It was for a good reason.”

She scrunched up her forehead even though he couldn’t see her.

“Remember I told you I was building a house?”

She gave a slight nod against him.

“Well, I’ve been working hard night and day to get it done. Do you know why?”

She hesitated and then shook her head.

“So that I could bring a certain Little girl home to live with me.”

She froze and then gasped, jerking her head back to meet his gaze. “What girl?” Was she hearing him correctly?

He smiled and tapped her nose. “You, silly girl.”

She swallowed. “You want me to come home with you?”

“Of course. There wasn’t much I could do about it until the house had walls and paint and electricity,” he teased, “but it’s finally done.” He lifted one of her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

“You want to be my Daddy?” she clarified, too shocked to be certain.

“I do. If you’ll have me.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She frowned.

“Because I didn’t want to pressure you. I wanted you to have plenty of time to grow accustomed to your new life without having to deal with the added stress of having a Daddy foisted on you.”

She gasped. “Foisted? That’s a silly word, and it’s also just plain bonkers.”

He chuckled. “Bonkers?”

“Yes.” She sat upright in his lap and swatted at him. “You’ve been stringing me along for weeks, making me sad. I thought you didn’t want me. I thought maybe you treated every Little girl the same way as me. You made me crazy.”

He grabbed her hands to stop the lame swats she was making against his chest. He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them. “I’m so sorry, sweetie. I didn’t know you were so upset. I wasn’t sure you were even on the same page. I didn’t want to be presumptuous. I didn’t want you to feel pressured to be specifically my Little girl just because I was the one who brought you to The Center.”

She was half excited and half furious with him. She let her frustrated side have first dibs though. Her lip was trembling when she asked her next question. “How long have you known you wanted to be my Daddy?”

He smiled slowly. “About two years. Isn’t that when you moved into my building?”

She gasped, eyes widening. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am.”

“Why didn’t you…” She drew in a breath. “Why didn’t you do anything? Say anything?”

“For several reasons.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him her most frustrated look, though she was pretty sure she was only making him chuckle. Maddening. “I’m listening.” He had a lot of explaining to do.

He lifted her up and spun her slightly so she was straddling him, facing him head on. This wasn’t a position they’d been in before. He cupped her bottom with both hands, holding her close. “For one, you never even glanced at me. I know you were shy. I get that now, but you were unapproachable.”

Yeah, he was right.

“Secondly, I wasn’t prepared to be a full-time Daddy until now. I’ve been working hard and spending all my free time building my home.”

That made sense too even if she didn’t like it.

“And lastly, I had no way of knowing you were Little until I stepped into your apartment. I sensed it. I hoped. But you really kept your Little tightly secured in your apartment.”

She sighed. He was right about that too. Uncrossing her arms, she reached out to fiddle with the front of his scrub shirt. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. She was sorry in general. Especially for all the time she’d spent waiting impatiently for him to claim her.