“Don’t wanna.” She drew her knees up and set her chin on them. She was shivering now, but she didn’t want Theo to dry her off.
“Sweet girl…”
“I’m not sweet,” she insisted, talking to her knees. “Go away. Tell Nurse Kay to come dry me off.”
“Nurse Kay has other Little girls to tuck in for the night. Besides, I want to be the one to take care of you.”
“Why?” She didn’t lift her face.
He stood and rubbed her wet hair with the towel, not answering her. It was frustrating. The man never said anything important. All he ever did was pamper her and leave.
“Please can someone else put me to bed, Sir?” She couldn’t handle being babied by him tonight. She didn’t think she could handle it anymore at all. She was too emotionally invested. She couldn’t take it anymore.
He flinched subtly but continued drying her.
The tub was empty. Annie was cold and wet and mad. Also sad. Tears ran down her cheeks, and as he shifted lower to dry her back, she let out a sob. That infuriated her too. She didn’t want to cry.
Theo lifted her wet body out of the tub as if she weighed nothing and cradled her in his arms.
Annie cried. The dam was open. There was no way to stop the tears and the sniffles. She wanted to struggle and insist he put her down, but she was too exhausted, and frankly she simply wasn’t that naughty.
Maybe he would feed her and put her to bed, and she wouldn’t have to explain herself.
Theo carried her mostly wet body out of the exam room and down the hall. He smelled so good, and it felt so nice in his arms, but she needed to be brave and tell him to stop coming to see her. Every time he came, she felt sad afterward.
Of course, in doing so, she would have to admit she’d been hoping he would be her Daddy. Since that wasn’t an option, she needed him to stop confusing her with his kindness and orgasms.
When they were back in her nursery, Theo shut the door, carried her to the changing table, and gently laid her on the padded surface.
She pursed her lips and squeezed her eyes shut, facing the wall as he finished drying her and drew a strap across her waist.
“Give me your hands, sweetie.”
She shook her head defiantly and continued to cover her boobs. An overwhelming sense of awkwardness consumed her. She didn’t want him to see her naked anymore. She wanted him to go away.
Theo set a hand on top of her head and stroked her damp hair back. “I know you’re mad at me, sweetie. I’ve probably earned it. But let me get you dry and get some jammies on you, and then we can talk.”
She whimpered, wishing the stupid tears would stop falling.
Theo wiped her cheeks with a damp cloth, his usual kindness making her feel even worse. Why did he have to be such a good Daddy if he couldn’t be her Daddy?
He bent over and kissed her forehead. “Shh. You’re making me sad, sweet girl. Please don’t cry. Please let me get you dressed. You’ve been brave for weeks. Can you be brave for a few more minutes for me, Annie?”
She had no idea what he meant by that or what he was talking about. Brave? She wasn’t brave. She was a silly girl with silly ideas about love and who she wanted to be her Daddy. If she were brave, she wouldn’t care that he was breaking her heart.
It also seemed prudent to let him put her jammies on. At least then, she wouldn’t feel so exposed. She needed a barrier between them. The longer she dug her heels in, the longer he was staring at her naked body.
Reluctantly she released her folded arms and let Theo pull them to her sides and restrain them to the edge of the changing table. He always did this. Everyone on staff restrained her when she was on the changing table. For her safety.
There was no way she would actually fall off the table. She was a grown adult. She had full control over her body now that the muscle relaxant had worn off. She was in no danger.
However, she understood that the straps on the changing table were for the safety of her Little. Or maybe they were meant to arouse her. Probably the latter because the result was exactly that, especially when it was Theo who was restraining her.
As soon as she was secure, her hands immobile at her sides, she arched her chest and held back a moan. Her exposed breasts felt heavy, her nipples puckering in the cool air. At least that’s the reason she told herself they were stiff.
The truth was they only got that stiff when Theo was in the room. She never got this aroused when it was one of the other nurses or doctors. Theo’s presence affected her more than any other person’s.