Page 14 of Playing with Fire

Raiden followed close on my heels. As we exited the club, the night air was cool in my lungs, filled with the industrial air of the factories surrounding the building. I was nowhere closer to capturing the demon, and I didn't get additional help. The night was a bust.

"Rai, you don't have to stick around. I'm just going to head back to my dorm," I said. He stiffened next to me.

"I'll drive you," he replied.

"Nah, it's okay. We are only about a mile or two from campus. I can hunt on the way."

"Sam—" the warning in his voice had me pausing. When had he gotten so protective? No, that was the wrong question because he had always been protective, so I wasn’t sure what the change I felt was. "I'm not leaving you out here alone."

"You know that I'm not helpless, right?" I propped my hands on my hips as I stared at him. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.

"Yeah, I know. The best hunter in hundreds of years, but you haven't faced an incubus like the demon prince before. He is obsessed with you, I saw it in his face—" He halted, shaking his head.

"I know what I'm dealing with now."

"Sam," he said. He snapped his mouth shut and worked his jaw, the tendon bounced as he clenched his teeth together. "Fine, you're a big girl, do what you want."

He stalked away without a goodbye, and it sort of felt like we had a fight. It made me want to run after him and let him take me home. But I couldn't do that. My life was a solo one. I had come to terms with that a long time ago, and a relationship with my brother's best friend would never happen, anyway. Then why did it hurt so damn much as I watched him climb into his car and start the engine?



My luck had changed.I knew it as soon as I had laid eyes on the hunter's dagger, the fabled weapon that ended a demon's life. She could end me. Put me out of my misery. I wouldn't be forced to rule or go back to the palace at all because I wouldn't exist anymore. If I gave in and had a last meal before letting her kill me, it would at least give her a reason to do it.

Even with the nagging feeling inside my chest that felt vaguely like heartburn at the thought of the blade ending everything, I stayed focused on my objective. Still, there was something about her that called to me in a way I hadn’t felt before. Resolute, I pushed it all away, ignoring it like I avoided my emotions.

I stalked her every step as she headed back to the college. I knew where her dorm was, because I had trailed after them the night before. I watched as another demon, a low-level imp, tried to sneak up on her. She swung around and had a dagger sticking out of his chest before I could blink. No questions. That was what I wanted. An ending to this existence Tristan, my brother, had forced me into by falling in love and leaving me, again.

I'd grown tired of the mortal girls that threw themselves at my feet, leaving me hungry and wanting for something more. Being an incubus was a curse. Sex was only to feed. There was no pleasure or satisfaction in it, unless I wanted to finish them and drain them. I knew now that there was nothing else out there.

Only a future of boredom as I ruled the horde, most of whom were as horrible as I was. Only they feared me, not that it would keep them in line. My red eyes weren't like the rest of them. Only my brother and I had the red eyes, given to us by our father. They set us apart from the rest, made them hold us at arm's length.

Still, I watched from the shadows as she pulled the blade out of the dead demon and wiped it on her pants before strapping it back into her holder. She had a tattoo on her forearm, a bow and arrow for Orion, I'd assume. He was low in the sky tonight, watching over his descendant. I had heard rumors that Artemis was her great something or other, ancestor? She moved like a goddess, at least the ones I knew. Hecate, Nyx, and Persephone, they all moved with the same grace.

We continued our walk, not that she knew I was with her. She seemed a little distracted. Her thoughts filtered through the air to me. I couldn’t pick up exactly what she was thinking, but it tasted sad on my tongue. I focused so intently on her, trying to pick up more, that when three demons came from an alleyway catching her off guard, I was as shocked as she was.

She yanked her dagger free and stabbed the first one. The other two got the advantage over her as the one fell lifeless to the ground. Just when I thought I'd have to intervene, she plunged the blade into the second one. The third wrapped his hand around her neck, his teeth lengthening, telling me he was a vampire.

Seconds before he was going to sink his teeth into her and feed, I revealed myself. He paused, his gaze snapping to mine, then his shoulders relaxed, and he grinned at me.

"My prince, I will share my bounty with you," he said.

"A hunter?" I asked, inflicting boredom into my tone.

"I'm sure she will be sweet. Let me have a taste, and then you can finish her," he said.

The hunter had gone still when I showed up, and she didn't struggle at his words. Even her mind was silent as I watched the pair. "I don't do seconds," I replied, my gaze flicking to her stoney face. "I'll take her first. She will be very willing after I'm through with her."

She used the vampire's distraction to her advantage and twisted, shoving the dagger deep into his heart all in one motion. Then she had me against the wall, the blade pressed against my throat. I lifted my chin to give her better access as my cock grew hard in my pants with her pressed tight against me, and it had nothing to do with feeding. Just like in the club, there was something about her that pulled me in.

"It appears your plan didn't work out very well," she growled as the sharp edge cut into my skin. My tail wrapped around her leg, edging higher as she spoke.

"Well, you are still alive, hunter, so I think it worked quite well," I replied.

"You weren't trying to save me, you wanted to feed on me," she said.

Tilting my head as much as the blade would let me, I smiled. Her gaze dipped to my lips, and I flashed some fang. She sucked in a breath, laced with desire. It was tantalizing, and I almost reached out with my senses to taste it fully; to dip back into her head and see if the lust had chased away the lingering sadness.