Page 13 of Playing with Fire

A smile pulled at his lips as he lifted his gray eyes to me. "A God."

The air got stuck in my lungs as my eyes became wide as saucers. An actual God, and I was standing in a club just having a random conversation with him. I opened my mouth to respond before snapping it shut, anything I said would sound stupid.

"Excuse Samantha," Raiden said, as he stepped forward. "She hasn't met a God before."

"Neither have you," I said as I nudged him in the shoulder. "What kind of God are you?"

He smoothed down his jacket and fixed his tie but left it loose, he focused his gaze on some point over my head. "I've not come into my full powers yet. I'm less than one hundred years old. There's some time left for me before I find out."

"How old are you?" Did I really want to know? What if he was old enough to be my dad?That's easy. Bend me over and make me call you daddy,my mind supplied.

"Fifty-three," he replied. "I'm still a baby."

Thirty-one years older than me. So he was older than my dad. It didn't stop the sexual thoughts I was having, and I waspositive that I wouldn't care even a bit once he was standing in front of me naked. The only thing that made me pause was the obvious fact that Lex and him used to be friends, and they knew each other from wherever they were from.

"How old is Lex?" I flicked my eyes over to the bar to find him watching us.

"We grew up together," Alastor answered.

Damn, I was into old men.

"That explains why he is amazing in bed," I said, the filter between my brain and my mouth absent, like it usually was. Raiden stared at me like I had grown another head. Oops, I usually try to stop some things from slipping out around him. It was throwing me off, having him with me at the club.

"So what do you say?" Alastor asked.

I blinked, trying to bring my thoughts back to the reason he came over. He wants to work together. I had come here looking to convince Lex to change his mind about helping me. If he wanted to assist me, it would be stupid to say no, he obviously knew him. Although, I usually was solo in my hunts. It's hard to sneak up on a demon if you had an entire group with you.

"What is your idea?" I asked.

He ran his eyes down my body before lifting them slowly back to my face. It felt like a physical caress, and I was here for it. He was a supe, which meant that there was no fear of sexual diseases or pregnancy thanks to my birth control. Only controlling men wanted to label a female a slut or a whore if she slept around, when in reality it did not differ from when a guy did it. They were just afraid you'd find out their secret; they just aren't that good in bed.

"You have obviously gained his attention," he replied. Raiden stepped forward and pushed me behind him before I could reply.

"Absolutely not. You are not using Sam as bait for an incubus," Raiden growled, his long fingers wrapped around oneof my arms, holding me in place when I tried to get past him. He was stronger than I realized as I tried to yank myself out of his grip. It was like stone. "We are not using you as bait."

"Rai, it was part of my plan already. Why do you think I'm here?" I asked, my hand on his, attempting to work his fingers off of my bicep.

He dropped my arm and pinched the bridge of his nose as a hot puff of air widened his nostrils. It was almost like he was blowing out the heat from a flame. Was he sick? He didn't look sick, he looked pissed and annoyed.

"I will toss you over my shoulder and lock you in your room. I'm here to protect you, not let you throw yourself into the danger," he muttered when he finally spoke.

"Promise?" I grinned up at him. That sounded a little more flirty than I intended, but me being me, I leaned into it instead of backpedaling. "Will you lock yourself in my room with me?"

Alastor laughed, drawing my attention back to him. "Bellamy isn't a bad guy. Have you heard of random females found dead or missing over the last few months?"

"He's a demon," I said, as if that explained everything.

"Ah yes, you are a hunter, you probably haven't had many conversations with the demons you kill," Alastor replied, and some sort of small seed of doubt sprouted inside of me. He sounded so sure.

"Are you judging me?" I replied. My defenses snapped into place. I didn't care if he was fucking Zeus, I would not stand here and let some stranger judge my entire existence. Shaking my head, I didn't wait for a response. "You know what, thanks, but no thanks."

His three-headed dog growled low at my tone. So much for it being a harmless puppy. It's probably trained to tear people apart when they piss him off.

"That isn't entirely what I meant by my words," Alastor said to my departing back.

But my pride held my shoulders strong as I ignored him. Fuck him and his dog. Bellamy was a demon, and if it wouldn't start a war, I'd be sending him exactly where I've sent all the others.

No exceptions. No questions. No excuses.