Page 151 of Filthy Feck

The next second, his lips were back on my clit.

Ecstasy was within reach but too far away from touching—like a wall I needed to breach. I tried to throw myself over it, but it was too high. Then he shaped the small nub with his tongue. Figuratively, I got up and tried to scale the wall again.

I failed.

My breathing grew so fast that I turned lightheaded.

Every time I approached that motherfucking wall, I failed to climb over it.

But Conor never lost patience with me.

His lips had to be numb, but God, the way he feasted, how hesavored, it made my heart skip beats it couldn’t afford to skip.

His nose nudged my clit as he retreated to my slit again. When he thrust his tongue into me and I literally was rocking against his face, covering his jaw in my juices, he mumbled, “You taste like mine, Star Sullivan.Thistastes like mine. Your pleasure is mine; your cum is mine. I want it. I want it all. Don’t you want to give it to me?” Each sentence was punctuated with a thrust of his tongue or a circle of it, a nudge of my clit, a nip of my pussy lips. And the vibrations from his words had me staring blindly ahead, shivering and quaking, deep judders that quaked through my muscles.

Suddenly, the wall didn’t seem so high.

This time, when I hurled myself at it, I managed to hook my leg over the top.

The next moment, as I free-fell down the other side, I screamed as the ecstasy rattled through me. It made me feel delirious. Overheated and boneless, yet also tense and taken to my limits.

I continued riding his face, and he carried on anointing soft kisses to skin that wept for him.

When I sagged back against the bench, I knew I’d been devoured and I was happy to be his feast.

There really was no better way to end the day thanthat.




“I’m telling Nyx.”

He arched a brow at the mention of the Sinner whose hobby was hunting pedophiles. “What’s to tell? I thought you said he wasn’t doing this anymore.”

“Priest took his place.”

“Priest? Oh, the kid. The one that Da…” His nose crinkled. “Never mind.”

“He’s an adult,” I corrected. “He isn’t underage. I’m not about to let this continue.”

Maybe it was fate that the first email that cropped up which stopped the protocol Conor was running was this one.

A‘thank you’for a satisfactory purchase.

I wanted to throw shit at the wall.Neededto break stuff. Wrecking things felt good when I was beyond frustrated with this shit show of a world, so tired of the depravity which I waded through trying to bring justice to these pieces of shit who didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as me.

To many, I was a monster. I killed without compunction. I had very little conscience. But I was a fucking saint by comparison to the animals I’d come across in my dealings with the Sparrows.

Conor didn’t stop me when I picked up my cell phone and tapped out a message.


I thought about Nyx, Giulia, and their son, Samael. Then the Newfoundlander and Chihuahua that followed the family around like they were Bo Peep and the dogs were sheep.

Nyx had found something I’d been seeking for over a decade—peace.