Page 152 of Filthy Feck

I couldn’t rupture that, not when Samael’s future was at stake.

Priest was seeking peace of his own thanks to the rape and murder of his baby sister by an animal who Nyx had put down, but I knew I couldn’t approach him directly.

Conor, peering over my shoulder, said, “The Five Points will help. Da was on a crusade once he found out about, you know, everything.”

“You sure?”


Deleting my message, I switched out the contact and texted:

Me: Nyx isn’t in the game anymore, is he?

Rex: Never knew he whored himself out.

Me: Har. Har. Har.

Rex: We talking about hunting?

Me: Yes.

Rex: No, he’s out of that. He’ll help though.

Me: Do we really want to tempt him?

Rex: Probably not. I’m guessing you have someone who needs to die?

Me: Yes. Excruciatingly. He needs to hurt, Rex.

Rex: Where are you?

Me: Can’t say.

Rex: More like WON’T say.

Rex: Heard you tore Maverick a new one.

Rex: When, IMO, you were both at fault. What the hell were you thinking, just going silent like that?

Me: I didn’t message you for a lecture. I know I fucked up. It won’t happen again.

Rex: He wouldn’t give me any details…

Me: I was taken captive so the circumstances were less than ideal.

Rex: You’re safe now?

Me: I am.

Rex: How did you find this piece of shit if you’re out of the country?

Me: My source is solid.

Rex: They always are.

Rex: Priest isn’t ready to deal with this on his own.

Me: Can someone help him?