“When Scarlett started looking through the files, she discovered one on JT and his father. As I’ve already told you, Tiberius was making a move to take his family’s company back from Preston. I think he wanted JT as his partner, but wanted to make sure his nephew wasn’t like Preston.”

“And JT found out about the file?”

“Scarlett had given it to me. I should have shown it to JT right away but so much happened so fast and I forgot about it. Instead he found out I had it and accused me of using the information to trick him into getting married. Only Scarlett didn’t give it to me until after JT and I got married and I never read it.” The words tumbled out of her, each sentence coming faster until she ran out of breath.

“I’m sorry things are difficult between you,” her grandfather said. “What can I do to help?”

“JT is losing Titanium. Preston is selling it to punish JT for going up against him. I don’t think JT cares. He was planning on striking out on his own before I found out Tiberius had left me his stock. But that was before we got married. When Titanium is sold, he’s going to leave Las Vegas.”

“I’m still not sure how I can help,” Henry said gently.

“I’d hoped you’d be able to find out who had shown an interest in Titanium and somehow interfere with the sale. I need some time. The longer JT sticks around, the more chance I have to save my marriage.”

“And if he is still determined to go?”

“I belong with him. Wherever that is.”

Her grandfather’s expression registered surprise at her passionate declaration, but he didn’t hesitate before asking, “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”

“Of course.” She needed her grandfather to understand why this was important to her. “I love him and whether he believes it or not, he needs me.”

“You know what’s at stake if you leave Fontaine Chic.”

“Any chance to run Fontaine Resorts and Hotels.” Violet gave him a sad smile. “In the last year I’ve stopped seeing myself in the CEO job. Harper is the one you should choose. She’s trained all her life to take over. You won’t find anyone more dedicated or driven.”

“I must say, I’m surprised.”

Violet didn’t pretend to wonder what he meant. “I’m not giving up because I feel I’m not capable or because I’m not performing well, but because I recognize the depth of commitment the position requires and I’m reluctant to make those sacrifices.”

“I value your honesty, and you’re right about the job requiring all your time and energy. Since starting the company I’ve lost my wife and my son and I’ve had to face that neither relationship was as good as I wished they’d been.”

Nodding because her throat was too tight to allow words, Violet smiled at her grandfather. “Thank you for understanding. I was worried that after you gave me such an amazing opportunity, you’d be disappointed in my decision.”

“You are an intelligent, compassionate woman with a creative, enthusiastic business presence. From the first you’ve been an asset to the Fontaine team. And I couldn’t be more proud to call you my granddaughter. I’ve had my concerns that your heart might lie in Las Vegas and that you would eventually decide you wished to stay there, instead of coming here to assume the role of CEO. But now I see that what you truly love, you commit to, and I want you to understand that whatever happens with JT, you will always be a Fontaine.”

His words were a warm embrace and Violet smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

She couldn’t help but contrast JT’s family experiences with her own. If she’d faced nothing but a string of ridicule and rejection from those who were supposed to love her, would she still wake up each morning feeling optimistic? Would she be able to create a safe haven that supported her and gave her a place to hide from all the negative words and actions that came at her?

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” her grandfather asked.

“I thought I would do a little shopping for Scarlett’s bridal shower and then head back to the apartment.”

“I’ll make some calls to see what I can find out about Titanium and meet you there at six. I’d like to take you to dinner. There’s a restaurant I’d like your opinion on. I thought perhaps we could discuss the opportunity to open a new restaurant in Fontaine Richesse with the chef.”

“Grandfather, I don’t know,” Violet said with a laugh. “The last chef you found has made Harper’s life hell. I’m not sure the food is worth the drama.”