“I had no idea she was having trouble.”

And maybe Violet shouldn’t have spilled the truth. “It’s their personalities. Ashton is creative and spontaneous. And even more of a perfectionist than Harper, if you can believe it. He’s had input on everything from the font on the menu to the décor and is forever changing things in his obsessive search for better or more spectacular. I’m starting to wonder if they’ll ever get the restaurant open.”

“Is that why the opening has been postponed two times? She told me there was a problem with the fixtures being delayed.”

“Because he changed his mind on what he wanted at the last minute and new things had to be ordered.” Violet put a hand on her grandfather’s arm. “Please don’t tell her I mentioned this. She’d kill me if she knew I’d said anything.”

“Ross’s neglect made her think she had to prove her worth. Even after his death the need for acceptance drives her hard.” Henry’s eyes darkened with sadness. “I’ll figure out a way to speak with her without letting her know you and I discussed it.”

As Violet kissed her grandfather on the cheek, her phone buzzed. Her stomach in knots, she exited his office. She’d been waiting for this call for the last three weeks. What she’d put in motion might not solve her problem with JT, but it was the best way she knew to convince him she had no intention of letting him go without a fight.

* * *

JT stepped off the plane he’d chartered to Miami and headed in the direction of the Porsche 911 Cabriolet waiting by the hangar. His cousin Brent leaned his six-foot-two-inch frame against the sports car, arms crossed, looking relaxed and amused at JT’s surprise.

“What the hell are you doing here?” JT demanded, enfolding his cousin in a hearty hug, shocked by the strength of his emotion.

Brent looked equally caught off guard, but recovered quickly and gave JT a toothy grin. “Thought you could use a little moral support tomorrow.”

“You have no idea.”

“Violet couldn’t come?”

“She...” What excuse could he give for his wife not being at his side, lending her support, at such a crucial time? He owed Brent the truth. “We’re over.”

“No way. You two are crazy about each other.” Brent’s confused dismay added punch to JT’s self-doubt. “What happened?”

“It’s a long story and better told over drinks.” JT circled the car and opened the passenger door. “I’ve got a suite at the Marriott.”

Brent slid his long frame behind the wheel. “You’re not staying at Cobalt?” It was the premier Stone Properties hotel in downtown Miami where the stockholders’ meeting would take place the next day.

JT grimaced. “That’s another story better told with alcohol.”

“Sounds like it’s going to be a long evening.” Brent started the car.

The explanations began when the two men settled into a booth at the hotel’s bar. JT figured he’d start with what happened with his father and work his way into the more painful story.

Brent didn’t look surprised when JT recounted how Preston had informed him that Titanium was going to be sold. “It’s the only property without any significant debt,” Brent reflected. “He needs the capital to make the balloon payments coming due.”

“Despite how hard I fought to get my father out,” JT said, for the first time voicing what had dawned on him several days earlier, “I’m not really sorry to be leaving Stone Properties.”

“Really? The last time we talked you were determined to take over. It’s your legacy.”

JT shook his head. “A tainted one. My father ruined so many lives in order to take over the company. How can I sit in the CEO’s chair and not be haunted by what he did to my uncle and countless others?”

“So, you’re giving up?”

“I’m moving on.” JT offered his cousin a wry smile. “Feel like buying thirty percent of Stone Properties?”

“You own forty-eight percent.”

“Eighteen percent of that is Violet’s.”

“But if you two are divorced, she can no longer vote the shares.”

“True.” JT’s focus sharpened. “Are you telling me you’re interested?”

“With restructuring, the company could be made solid once more. I thought you’d want to be the one to do that.”

“And now that you know I’m not?”

“I will.”

The idea that his cousin wanted to take over Stone Properties gave JT a great deal of satisfaction, but there was still the problem of not having enough shares to remove Preston as chairman of the board. He refrained from bringing it up. The mood at the table had brightened considerably and JT wasn’t about to kick sand on the fire.