Page 73 of Wild and Wicked

“Wow. That’s big. I always figured you’d play until you got too old to bend over and tie up your skates.” Alex leaned back against his chair, letting the news sink in. When it did, he asked, “Why now?”

Elio frowned. “Why now?”

“What’s driving this? Is it the injuries?”

Aldo had asked him the same thing over the holidays. Elio shook his head. “No. I meant what I said. I feel fine.” He glanced toward the restroom. Preston emerged, but he detoured, striking up a conversation with a pretty brunette.

Alex followed his gaze. “Looks like we’re about to lose our drinking buddy. Preston’s got his Mr. Charming face on. Guy still cherry-picking the hot girl on guys’ night out?”

Preston was famous for finding the prettiest girl in a bar or party—the one all the guys noticed—then laying on the charm until he wooed her to his bed for a night or two. And if another teammate got there first, it only increased Preston’s interest in her because the guy was a competitive bastard.

Elio nodded. “He is. Loves the challenge of it.”

Alex turned, focusing on him. “There was a time I accused you of the same.”

“You always forgot to protect the five-hole,” Elio joked, perfectly aware he was the pot calling the kettle black, that he’d stolen more than a few rink bunnies away from his teammates as well.

Alex snuck one more glance over his shoulder as if to confirm they wouldn’t be interrupted. “I assume you haven’t told anyone on the team.”

“I haven’t, so I’d appreciate it if—”

Alex raised his hand, waved him off. “You don’t even have to ask. Mum’s the word. So…is it your family?” Alex looked concerned. “Your parents doing okay?”

“They’re great. Although I think it’s safe to say my family’s playing a part in this decision. I’ve been away eleven years, Alex. Missed a shit-ton of birthdays, holidays, weddings. I got to do some of those things while I was on the injured reserve list, and I enjoyed it, realized I was tired of always being on the outside, hearing about all the fun stuff my family and friends were getting up to secondhand.”

Alex nodded. “I get that. I mean, shit, at least you could hop in the car and drive home for a few hours if you ever felt the desire to reconnect with them. My family was halfway across the country in Wisconsin. And I was okay with that. Until I wasn’t. If that makes sense.”

It made perfect sense. This was why Elio had invited Alex out. His friend, better than anyone else, knew exactly what he was going through because he’d lived the same life.

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to go home, but I think you need to ask yourself if this is just a fleeting case of homesickness or if this is a genuine desire,” Alex added.

Elio took a drink of his beer. “That’s what I’ve been asking myself for months. I kept thinking after I’d healed, after I’d returned to the game, I would hit the ice and the answer would just appear…like magic.”

“Let me guess…no such luck tonight?”

Elio sighed. “Nope. Of course, it doesn’t help that I muddied the waters a bit after Christmas.”

Alex leaned forward. “What’s that mean?”

Elio hadn’t told another living soul about his time with Gianna. Primarily because everyone he wanted to talk to was related to him and knew her. He didn’t want to betray Gianna’s confidence if she preferred they keep their…fuck, she would probably call it an affair, a secret. Elio couldn’t attach such a casual term to what they shared. Of course, he didn’t dare call it anything else either. Not even in his own head.

“I spent a few days in the Poconos at my family’s cabin,” Elio started. “I thought the time away would help me clear my head, come to a decision. I didn’t realize my sister had loaned the cabin to one of her best friends, Gianna.”

“Ah…muddied the waters. I see.”

Elio continued. “There was a blizzard, and we were snowed in together for five days.”

Alex whistled, low and slow. “Damn, guess that wreaked havoc on your fuck-and-run routine. So now you’ve pissed off your sister and the friend? Liza threatening to cut your dick off?”

Elio shook his head, though it made sense that Alex would assume he’d led with his cock and fucked things up with Gianna. “No. You’re the first person I’ve told about Gianna, and while I don’t know for sure, I’m assuming she hasn’t told anyone either. Because I haven’t heard from my sister.”

Alex’s brows furrowed, and Elio could see his friend trying to make sense of what he was telling him. If it wasn’t so fucking sad, it would almost be funny to see Alex struggling. Because his old friend wasn’t even considering the most obvious answer—the possibility that Elio had fallen for Gianna.

“I’m going to need you to explain what you mean by muddied the waters. I’m not getting it.”

“We hooked up.”

Alex snorted. “Yeah, that part goes without saying.”