Page 74 of Wild and Wicked

“The condom broke.”

Alex sobered up fast. “Jesus. Is she—”

Elio raised his hand, waving it quickly to shut down that line of thought. “No. No. She texted me tonight before the game. She’s not pregnant.”

Alex’s shoulders dropped in obvious relief. “Well, that’s a good thing.” Then he paused, studying Elio’s face close enough that he knew he wasn’t shielding his emotions or thoughts at all. “That is a good thing, isn’t it?”

Elio tried to find a way to respond. “It is. Or, at least, I should think it is, but the truth is…”

Alex gave Elio plenty of time to finish his comment, but Elio didn’t make the attempt. Wasn’t sure what to say.

“Elio, are you in love with Gianna?”

“Yes.” There was no point in denying the truth. Not to his friend. Not to himself.

“Holy. Fuck.”

Elio narrowed his eyes. “You know it’s not that far out of the realm of reality.”

Alex gave him a know-it-all grin. “Bro. Me getting Katherine in her car seat without a meltdown of epic proportions seems more likely than the idea of Elio Moretti falling in love. I have got to meet this girl.”

Elio grimaced. “There’s no way in hell I’m introducing her to you. As of right now, and by some miracle, she seems to like me. Thinks I’m a nice guy.”

Alex barked out a loud laugh. “Oh yeah, the introduction is vital. I need to save the poor woman.”

“Asshole,” Elio muttered.

It took a few moments for Alex to compose himself and once he had, Elio saw exactly what he needed in his friend’s face. Not only understanding but delight.

“I’m happy for you, Elio. Truly.”

“Thanks, but like I said, the water is still muddy as fuck.”

“You didn’t tell her how you felt, did you?” Alex asked.

“No,” Elio admitted. “Kept thinking I needed to sort out the career decision first.”

“You can’t put shit like that in boxes, pulling one out at a time. Take it from me. I played a similar game with Charley and almost lost her. When you fall in love, especially for the first time, you need to tell the woman. So…you said she likes you? Is that it?”

Elio shrugged. “Gianna and I approached our week in the cabin like a casual affair, and then, after the condom broke, I sort of made some stupid comment about us not ‘borrowing trouble,’” he air-quoted, “and after that, a lot of the discussions we should have had about our feelings never happened.”

“So you tell her now.” Alex made it sound so damn simple.

And that was when Elio realized…it was.

“Okay. I will, but first…” When Elio went to Gianna, it was going to be with his future free and clear.

“First,” Alex finished for him. “You have to let management know that you’re hanging up your skates at the end of the season.

“Exactly.” But that wasn’t all he needed to do.

He needed a life plan too. Because his girl loved a plan.

And he knew exactly who to call.


Chapter Fifteen