Page 67 of Royal Creed

Creed slows to a stop, confusion knitting his brow. “Um… Okay.”

“I bet you did.” Marius gives him an over-exaggerated wink.

I place my mug on the table, burying my face in my hands. “Remind me never to ask the two of you to help me cover up a crime.”

“What’s going on?” Creed looks from me to Harriet, then Marius, my two traitorous friends wearing shit-eating grins.

“I’m sorry.” I offer him an apologetic smile. “I told them about us. Well, they’ve sort of known all along. It was Marius’ idea that I ask you to, well…sleep with me.”

Marius raises his mug. “You’re welcome, Lawson. I’d like it noted in the record that she did ask me to do the honors first, but I think it was more a case of right place, right time. So I steered her your way, with the promise to be her plan B if it came to that.” He sips his coffee. “Apparently, no plan B is necessary.”

“Umm…” Creed shifts nervously from foot to foot. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that.”

“I’ll accept a show of appreciation or gratitude.”

“Don’t worry,” I interject before Creed has a chance to respond. “No one else knows.” I level a glare at my two friends. “No one else can know.”

“We’re more than aware,” Marius says, his eyes full of sincerity, something I don’t see enough of in my everyday life.

“We’ve got your back.” Harriet squeezes my hand. “Always.”

I return her smile, then shift my gaze back to Creed, about to offer yet another apology, hoping he’s not upset, especially considering he’s the one shouldering the majority of the risk.

But when I look at him, there’s not a single hint of agitation. Instead, he beams down at me.

“I figured you’d tell them at some point. If you ask me, it’s a good thing they know.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because now I can do this.” He leans down and feathers a soft kiss to my cheek. It’s a light touch, one similar to the way my brother or friends kiss my cheek in greeting. But instead of retreating after the initial touch, Creed moves to the opposite cheek. This time, he kisses me so close to my mouth I can’t help but salivate for more.

When he pulls back, he smirks at the way he has me so tightly wound from a simple kiss to my cheeks.

“There you are.”

Hearing Jameson’s voice, I stiffen, darting my eyes toward the house as he steps onto the patio wearing a pair of gym shorts and t-shirt. I do my best to act as casual as possible, unsure what he may have seen.

To be fair, even if he did see anything, I doubt it would have looked suspicious. Just a platonic greeting between friends.

But there’s nothing platonic about the way I reacted to Creed’s lips on my skin.

There never has been.

“Morning, beautiful.” Jameson leans down, leaving a chaste kiss where Creed’s lips were moments ago.

My reaction to the two men’s kisses couldn’t be any more different. One ignites a fire I fear will incinerate me before this is all over. The other does nothing for me.

“Good morning.” I force a smile, hoping it will slow my racing heart.

“Did you already go for a run?” Jameson asks Creed, glancing at his watch that probably cost more than what Creed makes in a year. “It’s not even eight.”

“I was up at 0400 every morning in the military. Not getting up until six is sleeping in for me.”

“I don’t miss those days.” He flashes Creed a smile. “Why don’t you pour some coffee and join us?” he suggests as he assumes the vacant spot beside me.

In the casual way he does everything, he slings his arm along the back of the couch and around my shoulders, drawing lazy circles on my arm as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.

Unlike Creed, who seems to constantly bear the weight of his legacy on his shoulders, quiet and brooding.